Mage Slayer

The Rokk's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 3 posts (34 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Sovereign Court

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French Fries - WOW

Sovereign Court

French Fries

Sovereign Court


It seems after I set the date for Thursday, June 8th and save, on the
events page it is listed as Wednesday, June 7th. I have re-created the
event and the same problem happens.

Let me know, Thanks
The Event# is 151717 and is now cancelled.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Not sure where to post, I have 2 chronicle sheet requests. I’d like to see starting and ending city (location) on the chronicle sheet. I feel this would help me connect the dots as a player. As a GM when printing out chronicle sheets (also scenarios) I’d like to see less black borders as that uses a lot of ink. Thanks

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I need a clear distinction about magical ranged weapons and ammo. I’m using bow and arrows as an example.

If you have a masterwork bow with normal arrows the to hit modifier is +1 and the damage modifier is +0

Also if you have a normal bow with masterwork arrows the to hit modifier is +1 and the damage modifier is +0

And then if you have a masterwork bow with masterwork arrows the to hit modifier is +1 and the damage modifier is +0 because the bonuses do not stack.

If you have a +1 bow with normal arrows the to hit modifier is +1 and the damage modifier is also +1

Also if you have a normal bow with +1 arrows the to hit modifier is +1 and the damage modifier is also +1

And then if you have a +1 bow with +1 arrows the to hit modifier is +1 and the damage modifier is also +1 because the bonuses do not stack.

And finally if you have a +2 bow with +1 arrows the to hit modifier is +2 and the damage modifier is also +2 because the bonuses do not stack but you take the higher bonus

Let me know if this is right or wrong.