
SnipeHunt's page

17 posts (160 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Today is the first time in a while that I haven't been logged out, lol

RNGesus giveth, and RNGesus taketh away.

Is it just me, or has Paizo been logging us out every day?

Same. I liked the GM, but I don't want the game to die, either.

I'm suddenly very thankful to have picked a witch. My next hex has been picked for me, even.

Needs more planks.

They sound like a much more metally Waggaki Band.

Curse my math class' upcoming test for killing my memory. @_@


clicking on it results in an error for me, sadly.

I just did it before class started. I think I've avoided any fecal rolls, lol.

Trin is the worst.

GM VikingIrishman wrote:
Kali, looks good, but you've reminded me of a thing. For those of you with familiars, pick whatever bonus you want and whatever familiar you want. Does it make sense for a toad to grant an initiative bonus? No, but I'd rather see interesting familiar diversity.

Great! Changing now. And how did you know I wanted a toad! ;P

Trinam wrote:
You need to make sure to write down somewhere what all of Kali's known spells are, as well, since her familiar holds them for her until she memorizes 'em.

I did find it a bit weird that the Witch page didn't have spells known listed. Guess I didn't read far enough in my half-asleep state. Thanks for the catch!

Eventually, yes. Figured this was the best AP to go for it.

Also I should make an important note, while we're still character building.

I hope you guys are okay with cannibalism.

So according to the PFSRD, Summon Monster I has an alternative monster option... A Bloody Skeleton.

Would it be okay to use this, given the flavor of the campaign at hand?
And also assuming that Deathless does not apply to an extra-planar creature.

I just realized I haven't actually acknowledged this yet, so um, hi!