
Oblivious Golem's page

5 posts. Alias of Feros.


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Oblivious Slaad is Oblivious wrote:
Captain Oblivious wrote:
June Cleaver wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
"June Cleaver" is taken, for some reason.

To clarify, the name "June Cleaver" is taken.

June Cleaver herself is very much available, if you catch my meaning.

I do not.


Nope, nope. I don't get it either.

Get what?


Oblivious Troll is Oblivious wrote:
*Asks to hear all of IHIYC and LSoY-S's definitions again. Proposes yet another which somehow has nothing to do with any of them.*

::Wonders why that would be in any way effective or what it is all about::

Are they sure about what?
