
Jack Chick's page

28 posts. Alias of Charlie Bell (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16).


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Rumors of my demise are, sadly, no longer exaggerated.

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I, for one, feel totally vindicated.

Hitdice wrote:
Jack Chick (and I'm pretty sure, at this point, that it's a trademarked name, like Betty Crocker, or Mary Kay) never disappoints. Reading that stuff is like rubber-necking at a car crash: However bad it might get, you just can't stop looking.

C'mon, you know you like it.

Sissyl wrote:
Delthyn wrote:

Ugg. Things like this give all of Christianity a bad name, when only a fringe element actually believes this. Its like Jack Chick running around with his head cut off because of 15 year old kids saying, "I cast magic missile, for...3 damage!"

You're totally going to be condemned to an eternity in Gehenna for having dared to say the words magic missile. I wish that these Jack Chick/Pat Robertson types would focus on more important issues.

Awww, man, a kid killed Jack Chick with a magic missile? That's going to throw new kindling on that fire. By the way, anyone check if it was a maximized magic missile?

Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. I even have a movie coming out.

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This is a very important work. This film will really help get the message of the dangers of Dungeons & Dragons out to a whole new generation of impressionable youngsters. We need to make sure they're engaging in wholesome activities like unprotected sex instead.

Haladir wrote:
lifeisaparody wrote:

You can thank Jack Chick (Dread Dungeons) for all the bad rep that D&D has gotten over the last few decades from the Christian community.

Pretty much all the unsubstantiated fears/misinformation can be traced back to that source, if not related to it.

The same guy is also responsible for literature claiming that the Roman Catholic church is satanic.

Oh, and that King James is the Only true version of the bible.

Mr. Chick is indeed a nutcase IMAO, but he's usually reactive, not proactive. The 1984 "Dark Dungeons" tract was in reaction to/support of the anti-D&D hysteria that had already reached the media in the mid-1980s.

That's a blatant ad hominem. Flagged.

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lifeisaparody wrote:

You can thank Jack Chick (Dread Dungeons) for all the bad rep that D&D has gotten over the last few decades from the Christian community.

Pretty much all the unsubstantiated fears/misinformation can be traced back to that source, if not related to it.

The same guy is also responsible for literature claiming that the Roman Catholic church is satanic.

Oh, and that King James is the Only true version of the bible.

Oh yeah, blame ME!

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

They are the religion OF THE DEVIL!!11!!1!


Intentional troll thread trolls intentionally?

Adds a rambling, wall of text post describing how the OP's premise violates some addendum-to-the-subparagraph tenet of my obscure brand of religion, which no one else here happens to share, and thus proving conclusively that you are all going to hell.

If you post in this thread, you're going to hell. No, I'm not a hypocrite, why do you ask?


I'm Jack Chick, and I'm deeply troubled by the implications of this thread.

Blame me.

Somebody please lock or jack this thread before even I end up going to hell.

The Jade wrote:
I studied that at Harvarti

Forget D&D. You're going to hell for THAT.

Nope, you're still going to hell.



Srsly. This thread is pure slathered in failsauce.

Lilith wrote:
Jack Chick.


Deals with the devil? D&D forces you to be evil!

I told you so!!!

P.S. Goodwin strikes again!

Well, since the trolls are coming out to play, I guess I should make an appearance too.


TriOmegaZero wrote:

I'm sad no one responded to me. I'm going to blindly assume that the silence is agreement and that I'm totally right.

Ah, happiness. ^_^


If you allow crafting in your game YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!11!

When you play this game,
you are casting spells FOR REAL!!!

BTW I cannot BELIEVE this alias wasn't already taken.

PlungingForward wrote:
Snorter wrote:

<MMmmmmmmmmm, Miss Frost.....>

I would, as they say, "so tap that."

Dark Dungeons is right up there with Frederick taking Dougal's pack to carry treasure in. Ah, memories...

You're all going to hell.