The Jester

I'm Hiding Under Your Bed's page

16 posts. Alias of Drowblade.


Was it wearing sparkling tap shoes?

Yes, but thanks to the "Take your move back Monday" rule now your it. And I have the pudding of protection in my pocket so now you need at least two signatures in triplicate from the warehouse raptors before you can do anything.

All pancakes are double points. All trianlges are invalid. All rampant looting is punishable by tickle torture. The ball is no offsides when parallel to fourth big toe. I call shananagins on a Monday for extra sauce points.

I don't know what to do. No request was made.
Next poster would kindly inform IHIYC of the rules of this particular forum game.

Why do you think I'm hiding? Goblins be pretty fart smellers.
The next poster has harnessed the power of Disco,but uses it for evil.

O.o I...I...I'm flabbergasted. You pulled it off totally got it past them. Well I have no choice. I shall recite The Art of War in Klingon as requested. But first, the next poster has a special talent for squirrel wrangling that must be shared with the world.

237. The Sun. (damn UV rays)

No good not a single person in there has a con score.
We could challenge them to a winner take all game of tic-tac-toe. Their champion verse our champion.

185. the cat

Meanwhile at the hall of Justice...
I count the number of bones Batman can break before i loose con............

Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice...
Alick is being used as a urinal cake.

Socks should not suffer so.
Alick shall be sent to the plane of earth where it shall blend in with all the other shiny things and be food for some nameless elemental.

I know your pain. I get Nick Nolte and Gary Busey mixed up all the time.
The Next poster will now point out at least 5 easy ways to tell these two men apart.

I finish pealing AoZK's face off then slap him to death with it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Playing a Paladin

135. Soccer moms