
Darian Graey's page

Organized Play Member. 132 posts (1,831 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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Liberty's Edge

The next AP does not interest me, nor so far does the one following it. At this time I would like to cancel my subscription.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks, I am still debating whether to run a mythic campaign or not. Was still mostly looking at it from a beta rules perspective.

Liberty's Edge

I have a question regarding Mythic Trials and Mythic Tier progression.

Sword of Valor:
I count three trials in this volume, Soltengrebbe, Staunton Vhane, and Eustoyriax. Should players end this at Level 9 Mythic Tier 4? Does every trial result in a mythic tier during the AP? How do you decide if a mythic trial results in a tier boost if not? The descriptive text for volume III Demon's Heresy indicates players should be Level 9 Mythic Tier 3 at it's start.


Liberty's Edge

Can I use the Pie option for our upcoming Charcon convention? I run the Orc and Pie event each year, expanding upon Monte Cook's original most famous and shortest, yet technically complete, adventure. This year I created an unofficial Pathfinder Quest involving Grandmaster Torch and acquiring orcish pie recipes from Grask Uldeth. A fake quest number for a fake quest. Perfect.

Liberty's Edge

Bottom left, always go for the treasure chest. Just beware that half-invisible Paizo staff-stalker.

Liberty's Edge

Just looking at it from a comic book standpoint, could not Modok, AIM, and the real Mandarin still be lurking around in the shadows, just waiting for their chance to shine?

Modok and AIM certainly have a variety of other things they could have been working on while one scientist/sales rep, Killian, worked with Extemis. He did say he was putting together the group, so others should still be working hard in labs around the globe, dreaming up new mayhem for paying super-villains.

Who knows, maybe Mandarin took offense that someone was out there pretending to be him, making him look "bad", and was moving to "rectify" the matter when Iron Man did it for him. He may even be looking now to knock around Stark just to show the world Madarin is someone to be feared and respected, should we ever get an Iron Man 4.

Just my thoughts, for what it's worth. Personally I'm just glad to have something more to take my kids to see, part of my youthful interests, that we can share that's better than the drivel that passes for kids programming today.

Liberty's Edge

Well, If no one else steps forward, I will offer to bow out. I was one of the last to post, having merely lurked through the previous interest posts. I would not want to spoil the fun of those that have been at it from the start.

Perhaps I could stand by as an alternate should the unforeseen happen and someone actually die in a CoC campaign.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry, the last section of the skills list cut off when I pasted it.

Brief Character Sheet redux:

Strength 14
Constitution 12
Size 14
Intelligence 16
Power 15
Dexterity 10
Appearance 13
Education 17

Age 32

Idea 80
Luck 75
Know 85

Sanity 75
Move 8
DB +1d4
HP 13
MP 15

Bargain 15%
Climb 40%
Conceal 20%
Credit Rating 25%
Dodge 70%
Drive Auto 30%
Fast Talk 20%
First Aid 70%
Hide 50%
English 80%
German 10%
Library Use 25%
Listen 70%
Mechanical Repair 50%
Navigate 20%
Persuade 30%
Pilot Aeroplane 15%
Ride 13%
Sneak 50%
Spot Hidden 25%
Swim 25%

Fist/Punch 60%
Grapple 25%
Headbutt 10%
Kick 35%
Handgun 75%
Knives 30%
Machine Gun 35%
Martial Arts 10%
Rifle 65%
Shotgun 30%
Submachine Gun 15%

Liberty's Edge

Working off the second array I came up with the following, taking 3 pts each from Size and Appearance, giving them to Constitution and Strength.

Michael Andrews Bio:

A former volunteer expeditionary and pre-mercenary soldier, Michael joined a variety of units throughout the war, drifting between the Allied Powers, but never having actually served in the American Armed Forces until towards the end of the conflict. He muddled around the trenches, worked on early armored vehicles, ending his services in the gunner's seat of a bi-plane, picking up a host of skills useful for war, but not for civilian life. Now he kicks around, living job to job, working whatever he can find, never feeling settled for too long. The horrors of war have left him disillusioned with life in the States, so he rarely returns there. A friend at the American Consulate gives him work time to time as a bodyguard/odds jobs man for traveling Americans.

Brief Character Sheet:

Strength 14 Constitution 12
Size 14 Intelligence 16
Power 15 Dexterity 10
Appearance 13 Education 17

Age 32

Idea 80 Luck 75
Know 85

Sanity 75 Move 8
DB +1d4 HP 13
MP 15

Bargain 15% Climb 40%
Conceal 20% Credit Rating 25%
Dodge 70% Drive Auto 30%
Fast Talk 20% First Aid 70%
Hide 50% English 80%
German 10% Library Use 25%
Listen 70% Mechanical Repair 50%
Navigate 20% Persuade 30%
Pilot Aeroplane 15% Ride 13%
Sneak 50% Spot Hidden 25%
Swim 25%

Liberty's Edge

First Array:

Str: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3) = 9
Con: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3) = 11
Dex: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) = 14
Siz: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14
Int: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9
Pow: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2) = 8
App: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) = 9
Edu: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 5) + 3 = 17

Second Array:

Str: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6) = 11
Con: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 1) = 9
Dex: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 4) = 10
Siz: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5) + 6 = 17
Int: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 6 = 16
Pow: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) = 15
App: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6) = 16
Edu: 3d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 4, 3) + 3 = 16

Would like to offer up Michael Andrews, ex-pat veteran of WWI and part-time employee of the American Embassy in London. That is if openings are available. Basically a former soldier who has seem more than he cares to take back home to mom and apple pie.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks much. Hadn't been able to bring up the oerth journal from the old journal site. Greatly appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Anybody know where I can find a copy of Warlock's Walk? My net-fu has been wonky, and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

Due to changing employment positions, at this time I need to suspend my Adventure Path subscription. I will resume once finances catch up to demand. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Jessica as the Gray Maiden

Liberty's Edge

A "Red Cross" disaster relief center, to only be used in case of disaster or national emergency.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

Just to let you guys know, I have undertaken to run three PbP's for Kingmaker, chapter 1. Guess I am gonna take a beating as they get up and running, but I am not intending on letting Bors slack off in participating in this campaign.

Lucender, any advice or links you can offer to make my transition from playing to DMing PbP would be greatly appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Lost my first D&D character to the Medusa in the Caves of Chaos. The old system really taught you to stay on your toes. No rhyme or reason to what you might find. Good times.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

Frak, I knew work was gonna screw this up for me. No chance to post before the big finale. I had hoped to at least consume Bor's last potion of protection from evil before proceeding much further. A room full of headless corpses would've cinched it. Would Bors have at least entered the room with blades drawn?

Bors will attempt to take a move and jump over next to Motokono, to D9, while calling out to Vordakai.

Jump Check:
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Do ye admit Vordakai, ye are responsible fer the silence o' tha Varnhold, an tha death's o' those wat lived there?

Liberty's Edge

Are you guys painting your models or printing in color? I haven't had the chance to see paper terrain in person, only in pictures, and so many things look better on screen than on the gaming table.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

It is probably safe to say Augusto would stagger forward looking for cleaner air. It might be a good idea to move him to J16, just at the limit of his single move action thanks to his boots.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

Hold fer a moment, me worthies. Let us once more proceed wit caution.

How long has it been since we left the last room? Bor's assumes the Cat's Grace and Aid spells have expired, but the Heroism remains.

Bors quietly scans the floors of the area, looking for tracks, then moves to inspect the columns, stepping on darker tiles only. He then inspects the NW doors for traps, then moves along the wall to the altars, inspecting for passages but not touching, and lastly the far set of bronze doors, again for traps. He only scans over the altars, leaving them for the others.

Me religious knowledge extends mostly to Her August Ladyship Iomedae an tha fiends from tha Wound, so I mae be out o' me element a bit 'ere.

Perception Checks are currently +13, checking for tracks, traps, and secret doorways.

Knowledge checks to identify the evil outsiders depicted are currently +8.

Once all clear, Bors signals the others to approach, knowing he needs their expertise with the religious aspects of the room.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

My players generally don't mind exploring, but tend to hate the feel of random encounters. I may take a few from the chart and seed them into the coutnry side, similar to how you have done with us. "You notice tracks from that group of wolves again, lead by the Big Three Toe," etc. Might be a good way to introduce some of the side quests as well, with a little tweaking. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

I'm preparing to run Stolen Lands for my local group, and noticed it seems to focus part of the expected XP on area exploration, random encounters, and mapping. Wasn't sure how that effects later chapters of the AP, since we are taking a different approach with this one. Do you see any problems adapting the AP to specific PC groups/styles?

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

Lucendar - Just curious, what DC would you set for the Remove Disease spell to affect the eggs? This came up with a player of mine in a home campaign when I mentioned what we have been fighting. He argues since the Bestiary does not list a specific DC, it is auto. I thought it should mimic the Fort save for implantation, but only saw one for the paralysis.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

Will Legba stick around, or being free of its master run free in the world or hopefully simply return to the plane of its origin?

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels
Lucendar wrote:
Darian Graey wrote:
If we preserve his body, perhaps once we kill the souleater we can restore Skerrin's soul and then raise him. Might that work? Perhaps through his connection to Legba, something of his soul remains to make that possible. Of course, that means the soul eater hasn't finished its meal quite yet, so we need to be ready for its return once more, come morning.
While I like the idea, I've been reading up on familiars in Pathfinder and there's no reference to placing your life force or soul into the creature or anything to back up the theory that part of Skerrin's soul would be in the imp. If you can find something, let me know. According to the creature description, there is only 1 particular way to restore someone to life whose soul has been drained and that did not occur in this scenario.

Was more fluff than rules specifics in my note. And not knowing about the soul eater, I was winging it. I guess we probably have to kill the creature before it digests the soul in order to get it back.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

If we preserve his body, perhaps once we kill the souleater we can restore Skerrin's soul and then raise him. Might that work? Perhaps through his connection to Legba, something of his soul remains to make that possible. Of course, that means the soul eater hasn't finished its meal quite yet, so we need to be ready for its return once more, come morning.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

Bors arrives a few moments later, with Augusto bringing up the chase.

Winded from the exertions of the day, Bors looks over the assemblage. Some of the mirth and humor returns to his face, lost over the day's previous battles and the realization that the townsfolk may have been lost to their fates.

Looks ta be, we've found ourselves a lost girlie. Not quite so fearsome a beastie as tha brutish fey we 'ad earlier. Still, kinnae be too careful. Legba best ta keep cap o'er us, whilst we learn tha facts o' it all.

Turning to the lass, his blades sheathed once more, If'n ye git ta changing sizes lassie, we'll be fer doin' ya right proper. We 'ad fair nough o' tha ta'dey. I am Bors Omanera, late of Mendev, an me an me assoicites 'ere hae been sent under charter ta discover the doin's o' Varnhold. I'd say ye arrived in town just in time fer nightfall, so tis fortunate fer ya. 'Ad ya arrived but a few 'ours ago, ye might've met much worse than our little band. Worse than a porkered piggie even. Might hae been much too much fer ye tis true.

Seeing the sun touching the skyline of the village, and falling fast Bors looks over the group once more. A'course, now ye be 'ere, we can nae let ya go, lest not till daybreak, as we kinnae vouch ferin yer safety an that o' our own, if'n ye gets ta wanderin round past dark. The town be forgotten by its peoples, but other nasties bits seem ta be takin' wit it. I be fer movin this party back ta tha fort, ta continue there lest ye'd gentlefolk prefer tha inn up the road there.

Liberty's Edge

I think it bears posting in this thread...

"[first dino] And we will call this land... this land.
[second dino] I think we should call it your grave!
[first dino] Agh! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

No worries. Bors will keep talking, if only to keep himself company. I'm sure eventually we'll run into something/someone we can yammer on with. Have fun in the DR, btw, and don't worry about connectivity. We can survive til you return.

Liberty's Edge

Tiffany as the Harrower

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

We'll save a few beasties for ya.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels
The_Grinning_DM wrote:
You see the gnome-like creatures stealth up and flank the pit and then come out with their crossbows aimed, ready to fire, only to find the pit empty. You can do your bull rush, if you want!

Believing he has occular support, whether the raven or Skerrin's magic, Bors may well make the attack. Just a quick question, two actually. It's all good to me. Having a blast so far. Sorry scouting is taking so long.

? #1:
Does Bors have an idea of roughly how long remains on the invisibility?

? #2:
Does Bors notice the creatures signalling to anyone other than each other? If they look to or signal towards others still in the surroundings, then Bors may rethink his actions. Two he can handle, unknown numbers would be different.

Option a:
If they seem to be signalling someone, Bors will use what little remains of the invisibility to move to the nearest cover, using half movement speed to remain hopefully stealthy, time permitting. Stealth 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Option b:
If no time remains, or they do not seem to signal to anyone else, Bors will make the bullrush. Hopefully the invisibility will catch them flatfooted and avoid the AoO. Bullrush 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24 Bors will not move with the gnome, beyond what is necessary to push him into the pit. If Bors does end up in the pit, Bors hopes he lands on the gnome before the spikes.

Liberty's Edge

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Darian Graey wrote:
Is it just me, or did anyone else ever notice a cameo of Gary Gygax in the opening credits?

You mean the guy at the back of the line around 9 seconds in?

D&D Intro

That's it. Was it supposed to be him? Anyone know?

Liberty's Edge

Is it just me, or did anyone else ever notice a cameo of Gary Gygax in the opening credits?

Liberty's Edge

Rerolls for Garn

1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 71d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Liberty's Edge

Rerolls for Bors
1d10 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 71d10 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 41d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Liberty's Edge

Since no one has expressed interest in a rogue, I should point out I added a Headband of Int to the mystic theurge, giving him the Disable Device skill. I thought it added to the flavor of him searching dark and ruined places for lost lore and mystic power.

Liberty's Edge

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
I've had official clarification from the Devs that it isn't actually a feat- more of a character 'option', designed primarily for Paladins.

I'm familiar with the posts, but as they made it a feat for Society play, I have no qualms spending a feat on it, should Lucendar decide so. Also, as a ranger, perhaps he needs to show more dedication than normal, to match the zeal of his paladin companions. Either route is acceptable to me.

Thanks for the catch btw.

Liberty's Edge

The mystic theurge is an evoker/fire and magic domained cleric seeking rumors of lost power and mystic might. He has come to Brevoy and the Stolen Lands for whispers of where the Red Lord may have gained his power over dragons. Certainly, such knowledge would help spur on his own research.

Liberty's Edge

I am interested in the ranger swearing to the "Iomedaean Sword Oath" if that is allowed. Basically, by PFS standards, it allows the character to spend a feat on the oath, then another to take weapon specialization in the longsword. The downside to the oath is the character can only fight with longswords. The character may not use any other weapons, doing so causes forfeiture of the feat(s) until an atonement spell is received.

Liberty's Edge

So far I have two concepts in mind:

Bors Omanera, a dual longsword wielding human ranger of Iomedae called away from the Worldwound due to vague visions of trouble in the wilds.

Garns Sheppard, a human cleric/wizard/mystic theurge seeking the true nature of existence through the arts and will. He has traveled north from the River Kingdoms following rumors of the mystical powers of the lost ruler of these lands.

With the group enlisting thus far, the latter seems a better fit. I can post full concepts later if requested.

Liberty's Edge

Starting gold as per the core rulebook? I have a couple concepts in mind, will have to flesh them out and post back later.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
A book all about kingdoms—building them and running them and fighting them—would indeed be neat.

If not a book, then at least a PDF project for those of us that are enjoying these rules and the wheel turning full circle. Wargame to RPG to Wargame once more.

Liberty's Edge

Spes Magna Mark wrote:
Paul Ryan wrote:
Didn't James Cameron just do this with Avatar?
As if Avatar was as well-plotted or well-acted as the average Smurfs cartoon....


Liberty's Edge

Kingdom Building

Thanks. Missed the thread.

Liberty's Edge

Quick question about the city building rules...

For the purposes of an adjacent structure, what constitutes "adjacent." Within the same 4 tile block, or will seperated by an alley suffice. There has been some conjecture here amongst some future city planners.


Liberty's Edge

I liked some of the ideas presented in the first installment of the Worm's Food articles to support the Age of Worms campaign (Dragon 333). It involved refurbishing an old mine office to use as a base. Since the characters are not really building a tip top "modern" castle, maybe that article will give some ideas for using character efforts and skills to make some repairs and get it serviceable. After all, once they clear out the goblins, they can make it servicable. It doen't need to be market ready, just livable.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
Where can I find the Half-Ogre race for Pathfinder?

You might try the following link. Have it myself, and it works for an NPC, but didn't feel right as a PC race, YMMV.

Tome of Secrets Pathfinder Compatible

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