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Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


If a push action requires a resolve point expenditure it will say as such in the action description.

Ebay likely has a bunch of the Silent Death ones. I have several of them myself. They are all pretty much one hex as are the star trek and Babylon 5 fleet scale models for ships.

That's a good point. You can use the longarm the following turn without shifting weapon grip.

You can hold the longarm and fire both pistols with the full attack action as that race. Those arms are for holding those weapons. Also, you can shift weapon grip as a swift action and use the longarm the following turn without having to actually holster the pistols.

Hijiggy wrote:

A forgotten deep space mining vessel with a very rudimentary AI missed its intended asteroid and continued flying into deep space. It ended up landing on an mineral rich planet, mined it dry, and with nothing else to do used the resources to build better and better mining capabilities eventually creating a semi-working conscious. Now curious about free will and what life is like beyond mining, its been kidnapping Pact-Worlders, hauling them back to a distant Solar System and releasing them. This is in order to study what true free will looks like so it can refine its own.

None of this is known to the characters who have been kidnapped and released. They will be trying to find a ship with a Drift core to escape the solar system. They will discover more about what this AI wants and come into contact with other characters who have been kidnapped as well.

That is extremely cool!

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Space is literally the final frontier! If you are like me then you have been chomping at the bit designing a scifi game for Starfinder since Owen and company informed us that there would be a Starfinder!

I am a huge scifi nerd and am planning a Guardians of the Galaxy meets Traveleresque universe for our first trip through the pact world verse! I love the retro-feel of anything goes for Guardians and the scifi aspect to Traveler. I will likely use stuff from all of my favorite sci fi settings in this campaign. It will likely be episodic in nature and not some grand campaign like I normally run. One week they may have to hunt down an ancient artifact for a Mimbari like race and in another they may battle tribbles and pyro space goblins. Who knows what the future holds! I just want my players to have fun and play by the rules!

What do you plan on doing with your Starfinder game?

Also, December will release some ships and minis for starfinder!

I am using starwars, 40k, at43, and a combination of other stuff from traveler and years back. My plan is to use my star wars armada, x wing, star trek, battletech and full thrust ships for ship combat and my 8/6mm battletech and 10mm dropzone commander stuff for urban building assaults etc. I also have several sci fi board games and the Nakamuri Tower and Be a Better Human stuff has a nice cyberpunk feel to it.

I wonder if it wasn't just a way for the creators (who I love) to go ahead and just say 'yeah i'm not writing 4000 years of history here and we can release more on it later'? My money is on aboleths and other aberrations. I wonder too if it doesn't wind up having something to do with magic returning to the mana wastes and those star portals up in the north west of Golarion?

I have read over all of the material and I do not think it is poorly written at all.

From what I am reading on the Multi weapon feat it is talking about if you get additional attacks beyond two like the solider at 3 attacks with onslaught at level 3 or the bonuses to the operative at higher levels.

Multi-Weapon fighting (Combat)
You know how to fight with several lighter weapons at once and how to take advantage of your multiple attacks.
Benefit: When you make a full attack with two or more small arms or with two or more melee weapons (see page 184) reduce the penalty for making a full attack by 1.

Full attack says you get two attacks at -4.

No where does it says that you get more attacks because you have more arms. Heck, even getting a third or fourth cyber arm doesn't grant additional attacks and it says that on both the Kasatha and the Cybernetic arms equipment upgrade. "Does not grant additional attacks."

Guys any help here is appreciated. I ruled that there's only two attacks regardless of how many arms you have. From my standpoint this is not a house rule but RAW.

The problem I am having it is does not specifically state it is retroactive for past gained levels. I see what you are saying Jiggy and I appreciate it. I think my players are correct and normally I do not ask about this kind of thing and run games all the time but this just sounded so wonkey. It might be just a 3.5 leftover and if that's the case that's fine. In AD&D it didnt work that way but in 3.0 and 3.5 it did. Thanks for your answers. Any further info would be appreciated.

Check out my DM advice page at! Thanks!

When players level and add enough bonuses to their abilities to modify it by +1 do they retroactively apply that bonus to previous levels? IE: If a wizard levels and gains a +1 ability and goes from 17 to 18 do they gain all of the previous levels skills at the +1 in addition to the new +4 bonus they gain by having the +4 modifier? Another instance, if a character gains a +1 to his con, a 15 to 16 (+3) con do they gain the additional hit points for retroactive levels or do they just gain it to that level? I.e., an additional +1? I just need a quick clarification on this. I think they gain the bonus only for their level but I need to know it if retroactively applies to previously gained levels because to my mind they have already gained those levels at they were neither that healthy nor that smart at those levels. An official answer would be great. Thanks.