
Antimony's page

179 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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avr wrote:
Shame as a deadly sin sounds pretty weird. Even with your definition the gap between it and despair seems blurry. But a sacristan kyton is a failure of their kind which other kytons make use of. Druj nasu divs "represent the uncleanness of the body". Mites and nuckelavees are full of self-loathing.

It can be a bit hazy as a distinction, and I confess, the definition i used for Shame could also be applied to Despair. Shame is the sin of "Insufficient Self Love," whereas Despair ( "To allow fear to overshadow love." ) is the sin of Insufficient Love of Others. The way they have been redefined works very well for my purposes.

Be that as it may, I am very grateful for the suggestions! I will probably use most of them, especially the sacristan kyton. Much appreciated!

Hello, all.

I am working on a long-spanning adventure arc for my players that has the Seven Deadly Sins as a recurring theme. For reasons that are too lengthy to go into here, I have reclassified them as Nine Deadly Sins, adding Shame and Despair.

I want to find a small handful of monsters and maybe one or two templates connected to each of the Sins. I already have plenty of monsters for the original Seven, plus Despair. What I am lacking is monsters that could be associated with Shame.

Does anyone have any ideas? I have access to all six Bestiaries, but looking through them for ideas is daunting, to say the least.

Thanks in advance for any help!

EDIT: If it helps, I have chosen as the definition for Shame "to believe one is damned absolutely."

Kickstarter now launches June 27th at 10:00 am PDT.

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Personally, I blame Cosmo.

12 people marked this as a favorite.

This thread can only end in tragedy.

Death Kittens


Of all the RPG's I've ever read, this is one of them.

This thread can only end in tragedy.

Two of my eight tattoos are RPG related. I have the eye of Sulerain on my left arm, and a cross of Die Kreuzritter (from 7th Sea) on the other side of the same arm.

For my money? The Rogues of the Republic Series: The Palace Job, The Prophecy Con, and The Paladin Caper.

High fantasy AND a caper movie? Sign me up, please.

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This thread can only end in tragedy.

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All these problems loading web pages and downloading files? Clearly, Cosmo's fault.

Oh, gosh. In our 5th Edition game, we almost never see a magical item. We're up to 9th level and, notwithstanding a mess of healing potions, I think each of us has maybe one magical item.

My GM has introduced Masterwork (+1) weapons and armor, and -- at my suggestion -- Masterpiece (+2) weapons from the d20 Wheel of Time game. It has eaten up most of our money quite effectively.

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Cosmo is the reason I can't go to GenCon this year.

Curse you, Cosmo!

This is the most awesome post in the history of awesome posts.

I have two old-school recommendations.

If you want a gritty "Civil War" type of game (the Marvel Universe version), consider looking on eBay or RPGNow for Brave New World. Some of the Power Packages are a little out of balance (e.g., the power to shoot energy blasts from your hands vs. the power to hide small items in your stomach), but the setting is really enjoyable. Matt Forbeck did an awesome job.

If you are going the old school route, you may also want to consider picking up Alternity. You can get the core books pretty cheaply on eBay or Amazon, and all you really need are the Player's Guide, GM's Guide, and the book of FX (Beyond Science). The Dark Matter books, especially the Arms & Equipment Guide, would be handy, too.

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I saw something about needing to stop the incursion before Drizzt gives in to his darker impulses. Would be cool to see him become an über villain, or at least a force of destruction instead of happy shiny goodness (and angst).

Then again, when I was playing AD&D, I turned him from a CG Ranger to a CE Assassin, so maybe I'm not the most impartial guy to ask.

Either way, if it gives us another (free!) Player's Companion, I'll be a happy panda.

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I have a DEX based fighter who doesn't suck at all. I found it extremely easy to make an effective DEX based fighter in 5E. Not sure why it would be an issue.

Color me a huge fan of Cutthroat Island ("I've no future in the army, sir.") as well as Van Helsing.

Also The King's Guard. Find it. Watch it. Identify your fellow gamers in it.

And now, he's a billionaire playboy philanthropist with a flying metal suit that shoots energy blasts out of its hands and an Arc reactor controlling his hear... Oh, wait. Sorry, I was getting him mixed up with Iron Man. I wonder why I did that.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Everything is a poison, depending on the dose.

The probabilities are:

12: 0.4%
13: 1.6%
14: 3.9%
15: 7.8%
16: 12.1%
17: 15.6%
18: 17.2%
19: 15.6%
20: 12.1%
21: 7.8%
22: 3.9%
23: 1.6%
24: 0.4%

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Style. Always style, especially in a home brewed game. Trust the GM to find ways to make your character relevant.

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So I was getting a filling, and as the dentist was a-drilling, my tooth fractured and I had to have it surgically extracted, instead.

Clearly, Cosmo's fault.

Also: ow.

23. Rogues.

24. Monks.

25. Martials.

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If you think the longsword/short sword combo is cooler, play that.

Don't worry about anything else. Play what you think would be the most fun for your character concept. Everything else will take care of itself.

I would suggest taking a second look at Alternity. I'm just getting back into it myself, and really enjoying it. The books are available for very little money on eBay or through Amazon (I just picked up the GM Guide for $1.47 + $3.99 shipping). Between Dark Matter and Star Drive you get everything you could need, and there is a reprint of an excellent article on Horror in Alternity available (legally) on

Don't be afraid to go back to the classics. I'm loving my 2nd edition game that I just started up.


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LordDeath wrote:
I have the belief that nothing we see around us is real, and everything we see is just an elaborate illusion. Prove that you are real.

I do not believe that you actually believe this. Prove to me that you believe nothing you see is real.

But you only shoot blanks and you date Rosey Palms.

My words flow sweet just like molten caramel...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Instructions for the disposition of my corpse because there's nothing I could bring that would keep me from being kobold food in a matter of minutes.

...and that's where you should've stayed
Take a trip to Hawaii--only time you getting' lei'ed

My words flow sweet, I've got a natural rhythm

It's cute how you don't think ALL my d20's roll natural 1's. Especially on saving throws.

The next poster dated a natural 1 in high school.

I disbelieve.

I'm no expert on...well, anything, really. But it seems to me that if you had a weapon on which you could impale yourself, you'd have to be a total master to use it and not do so. Maybe the idea is the guy's SO good, he can use a dangerous weapon and do it effectively, defying the odds (and giving him an additional resource in combat).

Some people can juggle. Some of them can juggle chainsaws.

I have seven tattoos. I want to get more. I very much want "POISONED" tattooed across my knuckles.

Most of my current tats are non-visible. One, a religious icon, tends to peek out from underneath a long-sleeved dress shirt. I don't believe any of my tats would be considered "offensive" in the traditional sense of the word (though I accept that someone may find one or more offensive, as is their right).

I say all that because I absolutely support any employer's right not to hire me because of the choice I made to get inked. It is fear of not being able to find a job that pays me a decent wage that prevents me from getting said tattoo across my knuckles.

Do I like it? No. Is it fair? Yes. I had the choice not to get tattoos so I could wear a short-sleeved shirt with impunity. I have the choice to get my knuckles done and accept that many professional organizations will not hire me as a result.

All employees are extensions of the companies they work for; that's why a company can be held liable for certain bad acts committed by their employees. If I am expected to represent the company, and get paid accordingly, they have the right to dictate certain things about me.

But let's take it a step further. I also happen to be overweight. And I'm not what you'd call "attractive." Can a company choose not to hire me because of those things?

I don't know the right answer. I just know that, as a tattooed person, I don't find restrictions/bans on tattoos unreasonable.

Whatcha gonna do when this 24-inch python runs wild on you?!?!

The next poster thinks I'm awfully clever for that. Wait, what was I saying?

The next poster is cute and fuzzy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can't find a consistent group to game with, either locally or via the internets. I blame Cosmo for this, somehow stealing all the dedicated gamers.

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Oh....hidey hidey hidey hidey, hidey hidey hi!

Our Gorbacz just got married.
He's such a lucky guy.
We'll miss his clever postings
(By far, more bright than I!)

But now we never see him,
And he's rarely on our board.
He's busy with his gamer wife,
A-polishing his sword!
Oh... hidey hidey hidey hidey, hidey hidey hi!

It happened just before my Bar Mittenza.

The next poster can improve on my horrible joke.

The evil, mad devil what bedevils at midnight!

"Do you know, Doctor, I've completely lost track of Mister Spenalzo..."

"You hear that, Mister Anderson? That is the sound of...inevitability."

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Archibald Heatherington Nastyface

Captain Slash MacTango of the Starship Doodlebop.

Queen of Big Hair!

Indeed, I am.

The next poster has something they need to tell you.

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