Base Speed Modifiers?

Homebrew and House Rules

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xanthemann wrote:
Personal Speed is Dex mod plus Con mod divided by 2 then added to your base movement. More simply put...the average of Dex and Con mods added to you base rate.

I saw this over here and got to thinking about it. The change affects running the most.

Why average DEX and CON, why not average STR, DEX, and CON?

Or what if you averaged the highest two of STR, DEX, and CON?
A STR & CON runner would be a bruiser full-back type runner.
A STR & DEX runner would be more like a sprinter.
A DEX & CON runner would be like a...something else.


My first thought is why?

Given that most people play on the 5ft grids you'd need a combined bonus of 10, 20, 30 etc in order to fit nicely into that (how do you represent a movement of 32.5 ft?) so it would only be useful for very high levels and just more of a headache for actual combat.

Banjax wrote:
My first thought is why?

Apparently the only reason, is to affect running situations. 32.5 * 4 = 130 (26 squares instead of 24)

Banjax wrote:
Given that most people play on the 5ft grids you'd need a combined bonus of 10, 20, 30 etc in order to fit nicely into that (how do you represent a movement of 32.5 ft?) so it would only be useful for very high levels and just more of a headache for actual combat.

This actually is related to my next question. In combat I would not presume to have people moving fractions of a square, so essentially there would be no difference. The question comes in how to round it.

Should you round to the nearest 5 feet?
31 = 30 and 32.5 = 35

Or perhaps always round down to the next 5 feet?
34 = 30 and 35 = 35

(Mind you, I recognize the answers to these questions have very little impact on the actual game if implemented. The fun part is playing with the numbers. If you think the idea frivolous or the point moot, move on. But if you can't help but work the problem it'd be interesting to hear some ideas.)

I thank you for giving this issue some serious thought. It surprised me to see this thread, actually. I am also glad to see you having fun with the numbers.
I used the Dex part of the equation to represent how quickly one could move.
I used the Con part of the equation to represent how long one could keep up moving that fast.
By averaging them you would get the average speed over great distances.
I left Strength out of the average seeing as how it already figures into running by how much weight you can carry and still run...or change you speed for heavier loads.
Surely I don't think this is frivolous, and again I am glad to see you do not think so either.

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Hmm, I hadn't considered that STR already affects movement, excellent point. (Now that you've pointed it out it is pretty obvious, I probably should have seen that, anyway thanks.)

I made a spreadsheet to examine the rounding question. I originally was considering rounding down to the nearest 5 (round 33.5 down to 30 or 33.5*4=134 round down to 130) because I wanted to avoid disrupting balance as much as possible (thinking that most ability mods would be positive). But I have decided it would be best to round to the nearest 5' (round 32 to 30 but 32.5 to 35, and etc.). This is because if the DEX and CON mod average happens to be slightly negative, the character will still have a base movement of 6 squares (rounded to nearest 5') instead of 5 squares (trying to round down 5'). Anyway, rounding implements the rule with the least amount of disruption to movement balance.

I really like this house rule, subtle but effective in changing running situations. It could also change combat in high-fantasy or epic games which I find intriguing too.

Now here's my next question: What are other ways to modify the base speed of a character with house rules?

Running with minimal clothing and/or weapons. Much like skyclad warriors who gain a bonus on Dex based checks due to having nothing to hinder them, the bonus should also extend to running...Possible a +10 feet, or an extra multiplier...mind you, this is just off the top of my head.

Sorry, didn't mean to come over quite that negative, I just couldn't see a practical use for it, you've satisfied my curiosity on that score.

On the rounding note you can get a more even distribution by rounding to the nearest even number so 32.5ft would round down to 30ft but 37.5ft would round up to 40ft (which makes it a slightly more complicated houserule)

It's not something that's come up in any game I've played so I don't know if it is already part of the rules but different terrain types (as opposed to favourable/unfavourable terrain) would have an effect on your running speed.

It's more difficult to run on sand than hard packed dirt for example, long grass compared to short grass would also slow a runner down.

The aspects of difficult terrain are already in the rule books and needs no adjustment even with the personal speed bonus.

I didn't mean to cut the thread short! I am curious to find out what other move mods could or would make sense. What do others think of it?

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xanthemann wrote:
Running with minimal clothing and/or weapons. Much like skyclad warriors who gain a bonus on Dex based checks due to having nothing to hinder them, the bonus should also extend to running...Possible a +10 feet, or an extra multiplier...mind you, this is just off the top of my head.

Good thinking.

You could make STR a factor by intensifying the complexity of the Carrying Capacity rules. Off the top of my head, if you have a Light Load, then subtract your Carried Weight from your Light Load Limit then divide by 33 and that's how many bonus feet you can move.

So STR = 16
Light Load = <76
Carried Weight = 34
76 - 34 = 42
42 / 33 = 1.27 round to 1
speed = 30 + 1 = 31

This increases the complexity and the math and the record keeping like ten fold. Most people likely wouldn't care for this (in fact, I'll bet encumbrance gets overlooked quite a bit in games). But it is an idea. And I like math.

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This is only distantly related to the subject, I think, but I divide all speed rates by 5 to give a modifier for running races or chases. A speed of 30' gives you a +6 to add to a d20 roll compared to the modifier of your opponent. Speeds chases up in our games dramatically.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
This is only distantly related to the subject, I think, but I divide all speed rates by 5 to give a modifier for running races or chases. A speed of 30' gives you a +6 to add to a d20 roll compared to the modifier of your opponent. Speeds chases up in our games dramatically.

That would be a great to quickly determine who manages to get the lead in a long distance chase!

Sure the person with the higher movement would have a bigger bonus, but it doesn't keep the slower person from making a better roll.

I like it!

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