Raging Swan Press: Cartographer Needed

Product Discussion

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

What Ho All,

I'm in need of a cartographer who can draw (not computer generate) cool dungeon maps for a quick project on a short deadline. (I need a small dungeon map done). Successfully completing this project will lead to other paid work.

This is a paid work for hire gig. If you are interested, send me a low res example of a map you drew to creighton [at] ragingswan [dot] com. This map doesn't have to have been published in anything before - I just need to get a feel for your style.


Here's an idea that I've used recently... ask one of your artists if he/she would be willing to make maps as well. Afterall, they know how to wield a pencil... they just didn't know that they could make maps as well :)

- Axel

I've sent you some cartographers I've had good experiences with on projects, and who work by hand.


Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

Thanks everyone who replied. I've had loads of inquiries and will sort through them jolly quickly!

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