GM Leinathan's Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan

When an ex-adventurer tavern owner is discovered to be the last scion of an ancient royal family from across the world, her friends and family will band together to take her to her ancestral homeland and ensure her birthright is delivered into her hands.

Map of the Crown of the World


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Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

If Profession (Sailor) is what's needed then Calder can use one.

Calder nods, "I can." Eyeing the slender Kayaks dubiously.

Big man + Little kayak = Not feeling secure.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

Kurasaviel smiled brightly.
"Absolutely no idea! Never seen these before in my life! But it seems like a good plan."

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Ukshakka animatedly pushes one a little bit into the water, withdrawing its wooden two-sided paddle from the inside. "It's real simple! You just sit in it like this," she says, sitting on the inside with her legs pointed forward. "Then, you paddle on one side, and then the other. Keep your back straight and you swish your hips to and fro with the motion of the boat, like you're balancing, only you're sitting."

"Getting out is gonna be awkward, just try your hardest not to knock them over and remember to tie them off when you get there. There will be a brazier designed to fall onto the deck after a time delay, just remove that while you're there and you're golden."

"Ok, ready? I'm not coming with - I have a safehouse to prepare. Ulf and I have an old Desnan friend who said he'd shelter us if we were ever in trouble, and getting kidnapped by the Rimerunners sounds like plenty trouble to me." She withdraws a little wooden carving of a songbird. "Just head to the temple of Desna downtown and give the priest this. He'll show you the safe room."

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

Kurasaviel pocketed the proffered carving, nodding.
"Thanks for all of this, Ukshakka. Assuming we don't all die horribly, I owe you a drink!"

Kurasaviel turned to the rest of the group.
"Shall we?"

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

How many Kayaks? And who is going in them? Calder will take one.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

There are three.

Female Gnome Fizzician | AC 34 | F +23 R +22 W +21 | Perception +20, scent, darkvision, low-light (+2 to locate w/in scent range) | Hero Points 1 | Clara portraitHats (Squirrel Familiar)Baabaa Yagoat (Construct)

"Oooooh, looks fun! Can't be too hard, right? Hold on a minute though. Who among us isn't a great swimmer? I can brew you a fizzy drink that might help."

I can use as many of my 1st level extract slots as needed to brew monkeyfish infusions for all who want one, granting you a 10' climb speed and swim speed for 5 minutes after you drink it.
EDIT, how many people can fit in a kayak?

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

Calder can swim, Bur he will take a Monkeyfish extract if there is one going? He'll take Clara in his Kayak. She can get aboard the funeral ship while Calder keeps the Kayak steady.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

The kayaks are designed for two people apiece. It takes a DC 8 Profession (sailor) check to pilot one from where you are to your destination, and the person left in the boat must make a DC 10 Acrobatics check when the first person gets out. If either check fails, the boat is in danger of flipping both occupants into the freezing-cold water.

In the distance, though the morning is foggy, you can see the ship you know contains Snorri One-Eye's body begin to move into the waters of the bay.

Current Buffs:
Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Bless, Bull's Strength, Weapon of Awe
Cleric 7 HP 56/56 (healthy), Current AC: 26 | AC 20, t 11, ff 16 | F+7, R+3, W+8, | Perception +10, Initiative +1

Apparently Profession checks cannot be made untrained, so I will need to ride with someone.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1
Tallak Sigurdarson wrote:
Apparently Profession checks cannot be made untrained, so I will need to ride with someone.

Sorry, I should have specified - if you don't have this trained, you can just make a Wisdom check because Ukshakka has given you basic instruction.

Current Buffs:
Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Bless, Bull's Strength, Weapon of Awe
Cleric 7 HP 56/56 (healthy), Current AC: 26 | AC 20, t 11, ff 16 | F+7, R+3, W+8, | Perception +10, Initiative +1

Ah. Well, I just updated my sheet with prepared spells (knowing we were about to go around water and be near a dead guy).

Tallak turns to the young girl and says, "Thank you for your help, child. We will do what we can to find and save your brother."

He turns to the group and says, "If any of you are not comfortable with the little boats, I can bless four of you with the ability to run across the water, but we will need to move quickly, the spell will not last forever."

Going to cast Water Walk on myself and up to 4 more of you. I think we need to be able to have at least 1 free boat spot open to haul her brother back, unless he is able to pilot a boat as well.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Where are your prepared spells? It's possible your changes weren't saved, because they aren't updated under your 'tracking' spoiler.

Current Buffs:
Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Bless, Bull's Strength, Weapon of Awe
Cleric 7 HP 56/56 (healthy), Current AC: 26 | AC 20, t 11, ff 16 | F+7, R+3, W+8, | Perception +10, Initiative +1

I had forgot to hit save. I just now fixed it. Also, unless I say otherwise, I am casting Endure Elements on myself each day (assuming it is cold enough to warrant it).

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

It's not cold enough to need endure elements to avoid damage and fatigue from the weather here, but it's certainly much more comfortable when you have it on. You will need the spell or successful Fortitude saves when you enter the Crown of the World, though.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

"I'm fairly springy so I'll ride with Calder."

Current Buffs:
Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Bless, Bull's Strength, Weapon of Awe
Cleric 7 HP 56/56 (healthy), Current AC: 26 | AC 20, t 11, ff 16 | F+7, R+3, W+8, | Perception +10, Initiative +1

Then I'll still burn it for comfort. Gave up my White Wolf shawl after all. :-P

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

How about Tallak and I row out to the funeral boat? Tallak can cast his spell once we're there.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Are you meaning to suggest that only you and Tallak go to the boat?

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

Good point. Karasevial and Calder in one Kayak, Tallack and Clara in the other. With Tallack holding the Water walk until needed?

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | HP 33/33 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | CMB +5 CMD 18 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +3

"I'm fine with riding solo," adds Matin.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Calder Profession (sailor): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Tallak Wisdom: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Matin Wisdom: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Matin Acrobatics (armor check): 1d20 + 10 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 10 - 1 = 21

Matin, Calder, and Tallak mount their kayaks, with the smaller and more lithe members of the party fitting in behind Calder and Tallak. The Ulfen men push the kayaks into the water, and Matin finds that he has a relatively easy time of it learning how to operate the kayak. He propels himself easily across the channel towards the slow-moving funeral ship, while his compatriots fumble and flail behind him. Matin crosses the distance into the fog quickly and easily, though Calder and Tallak eventually work out how to operate their little boats and begin to row towards the ship.

Matin makes it all the way to the ship's hull, finds a wooden spur onto which to loop a rope connected to his kayak, and balances carefully as he lifts himself onto the relatively low surface of the ship without tipping the kayak over. Looking behind, his compatriots are about fifty feet away, rowing with all their mights towards the funeral ship. Tallak is significantly ahead of Calder, whose training on board a dragonship didn't do much for his prowess at a kayak. Tallak, and Clara riding with him, are a mere twenty-five feet from the funeral ship.

The deck of the ship is adorned with very little. Matin, as an Ulfen, knows that all of the celebrations of the deceased reaver, as well as all of the loot that he had wished to be burned with. There is a massive pile of dry wood on the surface of the ship, the top doused with oil. On top of that is a large iron brazier, tied by a special knot to a wooden arch above. The knot is designed to slowly un-knot and drop the brazier onto the wood after a certain time.

The only other feature on the surface of the ship is a trap-door leading down into the hold of the ship.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | HP 33/33 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | CMB +5 CMD 18 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +3

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

As he waits for the others to reach the ship, Matin quietly looks to see if there is anything out of the ordinary, and tries to assess how long it will take for the brazier to drop. He casts a spell as he does so, looking to see if there are any magic auras on the ship.

Matin casts Detect Magic

Female Gnome Fizzician | AC 34 | F +23 R +22 W +21 | Perception +20, scent, darkvision, low-light (+2 to locate w/in scent range) | Hero Points 1 | Clara portraitHats (Squirrel Familiar)Baabaa Yagoat (Construct)

As Tallak rows them over, Clara cheerfully wonders, "Why are we going in circles?" As they chat, she downs her mutagen--once again taking on a fluorescent yellow tint--and drinks a monkeyfish extract--causing her fingers to grow suction cups and her toes to spread like fins.

As she climbs up onto the ship (enjoying the feel of the suction cups popping on and off of the wood), Clara looks around takes in the scene.

"Matin or Kurrie, do you think one of you can safely take down that brazier?

"I'll take a peek down the hold." She goes over to the trap door and opens it, blinking twice as his eyes adjust to the darkness below.

Perception-mutagen: 1d20 + 9 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 9 - 1 = 14

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

The brazier will drop in minutes at best, as is evidenced by the knot visibly coming undone in front of Matin's eyes. Tallak and Clara make it to the ship 20 seconds or so after Matin does, and the pair easily climb on board. Calder and Kurasaviel are still twenty-five feet out, rowing with gusto and vigor.

The brazier obviously would be very hot, being a metal instrument with a fire on the inside, but as long as it doesn't spill directly on the wood, a fire shouldn't be a danger.

No magical auras are visible on the deck of the ship, except for Clara and Tallak, who glow with spells active on themselves.

The trapdoor leading down into the hold isn't locked, though you can't see anything just from looking straight down other than the bottom of the hold. The rattle of chains issues from the open trapdoor.

Current Buffs:
Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Bless, Bull's Strength, Weapon of Awe
Cleric 7 HP 56/56 (healthy), Current AC: 26 | AC 20, t 11, ff 16 | F+7, R+3, W+8, | Perception +10, Initiative +1

"Someone tend to the flame," Tallak says as he moves towards and down into the trapdoor to the lower decks, conjuring forth some magic to cause his new shield to glow.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Before I resolve Tallak jumping down, is there anything that anybody wants to do immediately?

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

We're not on the boat yet so nothing to be done.

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

Stupid bloody kayaks! Mutter mutter...

Female Gnome Fizzician | AC 34 | F +23 R +22 W +21 | Perception +20, scent, darkvision, low-light (+2 to locate w/in scent range) | Hero Points 1 | Clara portraitHats (Squirrel Familiar)Baabaa Yagoat (Construct)

Clara follows Tallak down the stairs, whispering, "What an interesting twist--exploring a funeral boat that's about to get burnt, to find a guide who isn't dead. I guess I'd read something about funeral boats years ago but I never really thought much abut them. Did you? I mean, I guess you probably did think some about it because you're Ulfen too, but did you ever think you'd be exploring inside of one that was about to be burnt? I wonder what'll happen next?"

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Okay, the battlemap is updated. It's a little clunky because finding images isn't super easy, but the deck of the funeral ship and the bilges section of the other map are what we're using. Calder can attempt a DC 15 Profession (sailor) check as a move action, or a DC 8 Profession (sailor) check as a full-round action to make it to the right-most edge of the ship. Then, it's a move action for either person to get onto the ship. There's a 20' distance between the kayak and the ship, which means that one could jump, but one wouldn't be able to get a running start.

Tallak hops down into the squat hold of the ship with Clara toodling in behind him, and they come along into an unusual sight. A pile of furs, gold, ornate chalices, gems, and other assorted treasure is piled in the center of the room, and standing atop it is what appears to be an undead creature. Dripping with water, this armored undead monstrosity bears a greataxe, wears a golden winged helmet, and has a glowing gem inset into one of its eye sockets. It growls, and takes a step towards Tallak, though he and Clara can see that it is chained to a pillar in the center of the bilges, and that it cannot wander far.

On the other side of the deck, tied hand and foot and unconscious, bruised from an apparent beating, is a burly-looking blonde Ulfen man, evidently Ulf Gormurdr.

Knowledge (religion) DC 18:
This creature, likely to have once been the mortal remains of Snorri One-Eye, is a draugr captain. These creatures are powerful undead that can swim easily, have powerful slam attacks that drain the life of those they strike, and can call up the mists of the sea as a magical ability.

Meanwhile, with only Matin alone on the deck of the ship, three black-robed and silent individuals vault up over the opposite side of the ship, landing lightly on the deck. They fix their eyes intently on Matin, though they wear black cloth masks to cover their faces. They draw short, curved swords and make to attack.

Initiative Rolls

Calder: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Kurasaviel: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Clara: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Matin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Tallak: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Ninja: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Snorri One-Eye: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Kurasaviel is up first, followed by Calder.

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

Calder Profession (Sailor): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Looks like Calder and Kurasviel aren't going anywhere.

Female Gnome Fizzician | AC 34 | F +23 R +22 W +21 | Perception +20, scent, darkvision, low-light (+2 to locate w/in scent range) | Hero Points 1 | Clara portraitHats (Squirrel Familiar)Baabaa Yagoat (Construct)

Yikes! Matin, if you call out for us, we can come help.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

How far away are we?

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

20 feet. I said it in the above post as well ;). Jumping without a running start is 2x the number of feet that you wish to jump, and swimming in these waters requires only a DC 10 Swim check to move half your speed. However, it is bitingly cold and the water will likely be very painful. You could instead attempt the same Profession (sailor) check as Calder.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

Failing that I guess it's a wisdom check?
Wisdom: 1d20 ⇒ 17

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Kurasaviel and Calder work together with the oars, making their slow way towards the edge of the ship, Kurasaviel rowing strongly enough that he is able to climb up from the kayak to the edge of the funeral ship.

Meanwhile, the men atop the deck of the ship rush forwards towards Matin. One of them hisses, "Kuikku! Yori akaruku, Silverskorr wa ika no shūgeki-sha to issho ni moetsukiru koto o meijimashita." At his words, one of the black-robed men darts towards the brazier, running around it to stand next to Matin. The other two men work to surround Matin, with one of the men lashing out against the Ulfen thief with his curved sword.

"Quick! Light the brazier, Silverskorr has decreed that they are to be burned with the raider below. "

Attack vs. Matin (Flanking): 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 2 = 11

Though Matin is caught-off guard by the quick-moving assailants, the enemy doesn't strike hard enough to get through Matin's armor, and the other two are too busy running to have an opportunity to strike.

Two ninjas double-move, while the third attacks Matin and misses. Tallak is up next, followed by Matin.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Tallak, standing in the stairwell of the lower portion of the ship, wards himself with the power of his faith - a shimmering deflection barrier springs up around him in anticipation of battle.

Matin, meanwhile, retreats from having been surrounded by the ninja that are ambushing them. One of the ninja is able to swipe at him as he retreats, though the other two are far too slow to catch the retreating adventurer. The ninja's wakizashi bites into Matin's shoulder, drawing blood. Matin makes it away, though, and calls out for aid when he reaches the corner of the ship.

AoO vs. Matin: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

In the hold below, the creature that was once Snorri One-Eye catches sight of Clara and Tallak, his one magical gemstone eye glowing menacingly. He strides forwards towards them, but is caught by the chains restricting him. He strains against them.

Snorri One-Eye Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 Snorri One-Eye Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

His efforts yield some worrying cracking sounds, but the chains do not break under the undead creature's strength, and he cannot advance close enough to attack either Clara or Tallak.

One of the ninja deals 9 damage to Matin with an AoO, grazing him. Snorri makes two strength checks to break his chains, succeeding at one. Clara is up, followed by the top of round two with Kura and Calder.

Female Gnome Fizzician | AC 34 | F +23 R +22 W +21 | Perception +20, scent, darkvision, low-light (+2 to locate w/in scent range) | Hero Points 1 | Clara portraitHats (Squirrel Familiar)Baabaa Yagoat (Construct)

Hearing a commotion up top, Clara hollers, "Matin, what's going on up there?"

She climbs back up the ladder and--seeing three ninjas and a cut on Matin's arm--says, "Uh, Tallak, we might need to hold off on Snorri and Ulf. We've got company up here!"

As she does, she shakes up a fizzy pop and lops it at the ninja to her left. As she does, she catches her toe on the hatch door and the bomb looks like it's about to go wide...but somehow it corrects. Uhh, thanks great-grampa-Umbilicus!

bomb vs touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
bomb vs touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
bomb damage: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) + 4 = 11

Stink bomb. Using Great Hope to reroll a 1, once/day.
By the way, Tallak just took a Standard, I believe, so perhaps he can climb up behind Clara?

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

Is the red outline Clara's bomb? Just wanted to make sure

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Sure, if Tallak comes back before his next turn and wants to move up to the deck of the ship, then he can spend his unspent move action to do so.

Ninja #1 Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Ninja #2 Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 Ninja #2 Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Ninja #3 Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 Ninja #3 Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Clara throws a bomb, dealing 11 damage to Ninja #1, grazing him, 7 damage to ninja #3, grazing him, and nauseating ninja #2 (who takes no damage).

The red outline is bomb damage, the black outline is stinking cloud.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

Ok. Based on the map I can't get to the south one and attack safely this turn so instead I'll double move to 10 feet away from the south most ninja.

We are seriously going to have to talk tactics after this.

Kurasaviel was new to this, but waiting for your group and letting the stealthier ones scout the way seemed like common sense. There was no time to talk now, and Kurasaviel moved quickly, freeing his blade as he did so.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Calder and Kurasaviel close the distance between themselves and the cloud of smoke containing the enemy assailants, unwilling to enter it in order to attack them.

From within the smoke cloud comes a loud whoosh sound, accompanied by a wave of heat and an incredibly bright light. One of the enemy ninjas has set the funeral pyre ablaze, while the other two ninjas dash out of the cloud of smoke, eyes set intently on Clara, and lash out at her with their curved blades.

Attack vs. Clara (Flanking, Grazed): 1d20 + 6 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 - 1 = 8
Attack vs. Clara (Flanking, Grazed): 1d20 + 6 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 2 - 1 = 26 Damage (Sneak Attack): 1d6 + 3 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 3 + (4, 3) = 12
Crit Confirm vs. Clara: 1d20 + 6 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 - 1 = 8

One of them scores a wicked blow on the alchemist, taking advantage of the distraction created by his ally on the other side to slice her in a vulnerable section along her back.

One of the ninjas deals 12 damage to Clara, grazing her, and the nauseated ninja sets the flame. Tallak and Matin are up.

Current Buffs:
Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Bless, Bull's Strength, Weapon of Awe
Cleric 7 HP 56/56 (healthy), Current AC: 26 | AC 20, t 11, ff 16 | F+7, R+3, W+8, | Perception +10, Initiative +1

Tallak readies his shield and spear while he chants some words of magic. His muscles bulge a moment later, granting him enhanced strength as he draws on the power of his ancestors.
Cast Bull's Strength and ready my shield and spear.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 5 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | HP 33/33 | AC 18 Touch 13 FF 15 | CMB +5 CMD 18 | Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +3

Matin draws his bow, cursing to himself as the ninjas surround and attack Clara. He considers his options--jumping overboard would probably be best, but he doesn't want to abandon everyone else, especially after Clara just helped save his hide. He eyes the ninjas--he probably can't take them down on his own--but maybe he can get them away from Clara.

"Besmara, aid me," shouts Matin, gesticulating wildly, doing his best to get the ninjas' attention. Below the ship, there is an indeterminate thrashing and sucking sound as a great red and black tentacle curls its way onto the deck of the ship--and then another and another as a monstrous octopus rears up at the ninjas, its beak snapping in their general direction.

Matin draws his weapon and activates Archaeologist's luck, and then casts minor image to create an illusion of a summoned fiendish octopus climbing its way aboard the ship, SE and just out of range of the ninja south of Clara.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Matin doesn't know minor image, so I'm assuming he's casting silent image instead, which has no audible effects.

Matin Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 Ninjas Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

The ninjas wheel around, looking at the apparent summoned octopus climbing atop the ship. Matin is convincing enough that they don't think twice about the fact that it's not making any noise.

Below, the creature that once was Snorri One-Eye strains against his chains. Although they are weakened, he is unable to snap them and step closer to Tallak.

Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Strength #2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Matin casts silent image to create an illusory octopus. Snorri fails two Strength checks to break free. Clara is up.

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

Calder moves over to the Ninja by the pyre. Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26 Damage: 1d12 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

I don't know if Calder thinks the Octopus is real or not? However he does think the Ninja need to be dealt with first.

Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 1 Init +10 | Perc +10 (+12 vs Traps) | HP39 | AC 21 Touch 16 FF 21 | CMB +5 CMD 20 | Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1 | Mwrk Curve Blade Power Attack +10 (1d10+12/18-20x2) | Stealth +12

Kurasaviel moves to flank the ninja to the south of Clara and slices at the dark warrior;

Attack (Power Attack, Flanking: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Damage: 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Sneak Attack: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5

Female Gnome Fizzician | AC 34 | F +23 R +22 W +21 | Perception +20, scent, darkvision, low-light (+2 to locate w/in scent range) | Hero Points 1 | Clara portraitHats (Squirrel Familiar)Baabaa Yagoat (Construct)

Calder, just so you know, that black outline the ninja you attacked is in is a stinking cloud. If you enter, you'll need a Fort save to not get nauseated, and you'll probably have a hard time finding a foe in it anyway. Knowing that, would Calder pick a different action?

Male Human Fighter 4/Ranger 3. hp 64. AC 18(21), touch 12(15), FF 16 (19) (Armor +6 Dex +2 +3 NA). Fort +9 (8), Ref +6, Will +2. Perception +9. Init +6

Crappers and milk. Yeah, Calder goes for the same Ninja as Kurasaviel then.

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