MCKhaos |

Gameplay thread is open. It's premature to begin play in earnest, but if you post a short character intro here you will be added to the player list.

Sona Θ3 |

Sona glides through an empty corridor, a checklist floating in the air over her extended inner arm like a clipboard. While the biological inhabitants were currently performing their nightly memory maintenance and firmware updates, the engineer gynoid performed her own maintenance of the ship's tertiary systems.
for(int x=0; x < lifeSupport.length; x++){
if(!statusQuery(lifeSupport[x])) {
this.parent.allertMessage(lifeSupport[x].componentName + " is broken.");
It almost didn't bother her that this wasn't exactly her ship, or that she was spamming alert messages over the core console. The systems were so poorly maintained, whoever was in charge deserved 3,458,283 critical alert messages.

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead lumbers through the halls of the unfamiliar ship, stomach rumbling as he grumbled. He hated walking through the corridors. He always clamed the observation lounge for himself just so he could get some sense of openness. He paunch grumbled. He was hungry again. The others had not let him eat anyone during the last job, despite how good he had smashed things. He wanted to find the kitchen, but could not remember which way to go. He scratched his scarred head for a moment, trying to think..despite the B.O.N.E enhancement given to him by T.E.R.R.A, He still found it difficult to remember things sometimes...
Just then, he notes the the small presence of Sona in front of him, reading some glowy letters in front of her. Sona was real smart..she would help him!
He smiles happily and waves before lumbering over to the tiny gynoid.
I'm going with what Sonas has Roleplayed regarding the ship. Who knows WHY we had to take this ship instead of ours for the last job...Bone'ead cant remember!

Jamee Lestrade |

Within his room, Jamee listens to the feedback speakers being transmitted to him via his ranger-bot, Blast-O-Tron. He types in some orders to tell it to move to the source of the shouting, elsewhere on the ship, which allows him to continue tinkering with his robot's artificial hawk animal companion, R.A.E. (Robotic Avian Explorer).
When the remote android reaches the same room as Bone'ead and Sona, he sets RAE aside and takes personal control.

BunkR BustR |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

> Analysis: 'Snake' does not comprise systemic validation of any higher-cognisant functions
> Philosophical experiment results: Failure
> Process to meaning-of-life-understanding is now at: 0%
> ...
> Melancholic levels rising
> Loading 'poetry file #5401'
> Loading... loading... complete
The sounds of an ancient tribal song echo throughout the cabin.
...ver gonna give you up / Never gonna let you down / Never gonna run ar- ERROR FILE CORRUPTED
> ...
> Melancholic levels rising

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead looks down the corridor before turning back, a look of shock and horror crossing his features
You leave Tooo Brrr with Snake? Snake is Bad 'un! Thems can wrap around body and crush, and have large teeth that make feel tingly! Not good! WE MUST HELP SAVE TOO BRR!
Bone'ead suddenly scoops up Sona, hefting her with ease and depositing her on his shoulder.
Come Little 'un! Too Brr is in BIG TROUBLE! Sona smart, help fight Snake!
With that he takes off down the corridor, his long legs carrying him swiftly away from Blasto as he races to rescue his friend.
I've written quite a backstory for Bone'ead and his people. It'll go up if the GM can make sense of my nonsense! Basically? He comes from a death world. Cockroaches are the size of Dragons, and Snakes are more like Giant Anacondas that can crush and swallow you whole, while poisoning you with razor sharp fangs.

Sona Θ3 |

Sona looks up from the checklist she was pretending to read. "Bracing for impac-" Sona and Bone'ead collide with the thump of flesh against plasteel, and slide across the floor. Sona holds Rotgut back, maintaining a posture of poise, until the Ogre lifts her bodily from the floor in a hug.
From this position, she responds to Jamee in a conversational tone. "Though an aggregate of three million components are in need of minor maintenance or are past their manufacturers' suggested replacement date, their ability to remove trace toxins from the air and collect carbon for the food vends is not yet compromised. I have left a detailed report for the ship's captain." She turns to Bone, who is rapidly depositing organic grease on her fresh-pressed nanoprene bodysuit. "If it would return your blood-saccarine levels to a sustainable ratio, we can all adjourn to the 'mess hall'. I must make an assessment of this ships food vend." There is a pause before her face contorts into a smile.

MCKhaos |

I've read your backstory Bone'ead. I like it. I like it a great deal. I assume you've read "Death World"?

BunkR BustR |

2BR trudges from the galley.
> ...e is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is me, woe is m-
The threat being the high-speed Ogre. The detection, not very difficult.

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead watches as Tooo Brr leaves the gally as he continues to race to fight the snake
Too Brr need help! Him say Woe is me! That means him hurt from snake!
No worry friend Too Brr! Bone'ead help fight snake!

BunkR BustR |

> THREAT DETECinitiatingsectordon'tkilltheogreauthorsona321
2BR is out like a light as Sona's well crafted virus kicks in. It's designed to prevent his overzealous automated security from reacting... poorly... to the Ogres exuberance. At any rate, he is now standing loose-limbed in the direct line of fire of Rotgut's stampede.

Sona Θ3 |

When Sona gets a chance, she returns to BunkR with a tsk. "There there pops, we'll get your emotional circuits untangled someday. For now, have a taste of this dream protocol." She pulls a usb cord from the base of her neck, attaches a serial bus dongle pulled from a compartment in her thigh, and connects to the offline G4Θ2 unit. Backwards comparability between generation 12 and generation 4 took a bit of enhanced code etiquette, but Sona had a soft spot for the older models. She puts the ancient processor on an old standby for AI therapy, deconstructing the discography of T-Pain into Fibonacci factors. She lets the cool, regular data-stream bring BustR's processor back to a stable level. "He should be fine in a couple of hours. The wars were hard on this one's tactical cortex."

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead slows his lumbering gait as he reacher BunkR. Finding the droid unresponsive, he carefully sets Sona down and reaches for his club. Stepping inside the galley, his eyes scan the room as he searches for the Snake.
Careful Sona! Snake hurt Tooo Brr, is Bad 'un! Need find or else hurt somone!

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead continues to glance around, before hearing Blasto from down the corridor
No snake? Sure no snake? Too Brr look like maybe bit by snake.
He lowers his club a bit, but still looks around warily

Cap'n Ron Bucanero |

The ship suddenly jerks violently, and the ship wide comm system crackles to life.
Avast! Battlestations me 'earties! Pirates pulled us out of t' rift! Arrrrgh! I hate pirates!
The ship begins jerking periodically. You know what this means. Weapons fire!
Boardin' torps! Security get t' engineerin'
What do you do?
Game on! Don't forget to look at the ship moves section of the Campaign Info page.

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead wobbles about as the ship dodges weapons fire.
Uh oh! Bad 'uns come try steal things! Time go work!
He raises his club and quickly exits the gallery, lumbering down the corridor as he scratches his head, trying to remember which way the "engineerin" place was. He quckly turns around and picks up BunkR, throwing hm over hs shoulder before deciding that following Sona where he needs to go will get him there faster!

BunkR BustR |

> ...
> ...
> ...
A sound remarkably like the Apple startup noise chimes softly as 2BR raises his metal cranium. He had a wonderfully relaxing dream, one that soothed the savage echoes of bad software patches long months in combat.
It's weirding him out.
> New target loaded
> Target designation: Hostile
> Melancholic levels dropping
2BR rolls out of the Ogres grasp and heads towards the torpedo bay. This is what he was made for. A jury rigged translation system comes on-line, allowing 2BR to speak in a passable Ogre accent.
"You make 'ole in bad 'uns hull. Me go in and make 'ole bigger. Smash squishy heads fun yeah?"

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead's features twist in concentration for a moment before responding
Cap'n say we gotta go to engineering... Am think Bad un's in the ship!
I'm unsure if Boardin 'torps means we have boarders, or if the captain wants the OUR boarding corps to get to engineering, or what. His accent is thick for ogre ears! XD

BunkR BustR |

2BR points at the Ogre, then towards engineering. Then he points to himself, then out a nearby observation window.
> Sona, assist Private Rot'gut in welcoming our guests
> Requesting communication with Captain. Captain, do you copy?

MCKhaos |

Bad ums are in the ship.
Rotgut, you race to the engineering bay, following Sona. As you turn the corner you find yourselves facing a Lodestar Combinat boarding party, a dwarf, a halfling, two humans, and a tall elf in unmistakeable power armor. As they see you enter, several raise blasters towards you, while the dwarf and the elf wave vibroblades menacingly.
The ship continues to shake, as the halfling turns his blaster on the engineering panels.
What do you do?

BunkR BustR |

> Identify combatant ship size, capabilities
> Scan for crew cabins, life support, weaponry
> Query: Capture or destroy?
2BR heads straight for the nearest torpedo tube. It's up to the captain where he is heading for though.
If I can put enough pressure on the ship, they might call back the boarding party. Do we want to try and capture the pirate ship, or do you want me to scuttle it if I can?

Blast-O-Tron v3 |

Blast-O-Tron kicks into high gear as he follows Bone'ead toward Main Engineering. The moment the boarding party comes within view, he opens fire indiscriminately!
Volley: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 6) + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Sona Θ3 |

Seeing the blasters leveled at Her ship, Sona trips her system into power oscillation and sparks can be seen within the raised panels of her chassis. "That panel has perfectly accessible latches and there is no need for such destruction." Pointing her index finger like a hand pistol, Sona takes aim at the half ling and discharges.
Operate Machines: Laser Module: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 6) + 2 = 10
The lightning coursing through her focuses in her palm and a heavy beam of viscous photons arcs in a precise line.
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Scoring a hot line across the creature's boot.
"Use the latch if you would please. That is new polyenamel."
>primaryTarget = lifeSupport;
Sona gives the command words as though it is only natural for a Θ2 to take orders from her.

MCKhaos |

2BR, you are designed for boarding actions. You are compatible with nearly every standard torpedo launcher. Once launched, you have limited navigational control, allowing you to aim yourself at a particular part of your target. This will also allow you to (eventually) return if you overshoot a target. Unfortunately, on this ship the heavy weapons station required to launch torpedoes is currently blocked by some Lodestar mercenaries. Your companions will have to fight to the station. You could attempt a manual launch override from within a tube with an appropriate defy danger check.
Sona and the Blast-O-Tron do not hesitate, and their combined fire turns the halfling into a fine mist within his power armor.
In the future I will interpret "indiscriminately" as attempting an AoE attack. However, in this instance the mercenaries' power armor would negate all of your damage if spread out. This time I decided to interpret "indiscriminately" as "narratively convenient."
The halfling's companions are seasoned veterans, and do not even hesitate at the death of one of their own. At this point you can tell that the elf's armor has distinctive markings.
The elf charges Rotgut, as the two humans open fire, one at Sona and one at the the BoT.
Beyond the humans, the dwarf kneels next to the primary conduits leading from the fusion core to the engines. He begins planting explosive charges.
What do you do?

BunkR BustR |

2BR waits for the ship to come around, then realises that there is no one around to press the big red button directly behind him. Thinking for a moment, he reverses the polarity on his insertion thrusters for a moment, sucking in loose scraps from the torpedo bay floor. Taking aim for a moment, he spurts the junk towards the far wall.
Defying danger with DEX: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 = 9

MCKhaos |

2BR, the tube launches immediately, before you manage to pull your insertion thruster all the way back into the bay. As the thruster scrapes against the side of the tube, take either 1) 1d6 damage ignoring armor, or 2) -1 forward to astro-navigation checks.
Either way, you have successfully launched, and find yourself in the void. Your scanners indicate that the Sixes is being pursued by a Lodestar destroyer. The Sixes is gaining, and will soon be out of weapons range, however it doesn't appear that the destroyer is still firing.
You also register three large hull breaches on the Sixes, exactly the kind of hull breach you might leave if you happened to crash into the side of the destroyer.
What do you do?

BunkR BustR |

Metal is harder than flesh.
Pain: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Ouch. Lucky sixes indeed
2BR barrels through the tube, scraping sparks all the along. Popping out from the side of the ship, his boosters ignite and he speeds towards the enemy ship. Oh, what a joy to be able to fulfill ones functions.
> Hull shredders, engage.
> Force field engage.
> Target: Forward cabins
> Ramming speed
Whats the roll for astrogation?

MCKhaos |

It would be another defy danger. I'm thinking it would be Int, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.

BunkR BustR |

> Ramming speed
Defy Danger with INT
Mm... Probably not
As 2BR approaches the enemy ship, he opens up every single radio channel with a burst of garbled death threats in multiple languages. As is traditional. Equally traditional is the spatter of trojans infiltrating the various systems with all the subtlety of a brick. The anti-virus catches every single one easily, but the connection protocols are so out of date the system load is noticeable and worrying.
Charge! Defy danger with STR: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 2 = 6

MCKhaos |

This is a good chance to discuss Aiding. Since 2BR rolled a 6, another party member could theoretically aid him rolling 2d6+bonds to negate the fail. It would need to make narrative sense. You can also use the Cap'n to aid, but he doesn't have bonds with anyone.
In the absence of Aid, you scream towards the enemy ship with thrusters at maximum, exuberant in once again fulfilling your purpose. Unfortunately, your speed makes it difficult to maneuver and you strike aft of the crew cabins at an awkward angle. Take 1d8 damage mitigated by armor. You find yourself in the brig, behind heavy sealed doors reinforced with force fields. A few unfortunate prisoners take advantage of this opportunity to escape into the void. Intruder alert klaxons begin blaring.
What do you do?

BunkR BustR |

Close enough!
1d8 - 4 ⇒ (8) - 4 = 4
So, in the brig huh? Where is everyone 'escaping' to? Is that a euphemism for being sucked out into the vacuum of space? If it is, I'll shed my boosters (they're one use anyway) and climb back out of my entry site.

MCKhaos |

Someone can still aid you. I just wanted to write out what happens on the fail. Night all! It is definitely a euphemism.

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead roars as the elf charges him and he lifts his club in response
Bad 'un need to GO WAY!
He swings his Tree-Club at the elf...
Hack and Slash: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 4) + 2 = 10
and grunts as it connects, the impact vibrating up his arm as he tests his strength against the defences of the power armor...
Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Sona Θ3 |

Sona monitors 2BR's DDOS attack and uses the resultant information to narrow down the enemy system's proper access ports. The oscillating manifolds inside Sona's cranium lets out a sustained screech and three jarring tones as her wide-band modem boots up.
>Good sir, this is Sona G1Θ3 SN: 845DF163G843SK5745
>requesting access to your wireless communication networks
>signal triangulation required for docking protocol
Command Machine (Enemy Computer System): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 = 13
The computer system chirrups in acquiescence and Sona's view of the battle becomes both more complete and more detailed. She sees Mr. BunkR's trajectory and tsks. The engineer's eyes go dead as all spatial processing is diverted to solving the complex trajectory corrections.
Operate Machines (Probability Calculator): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 = 7
The window is small, and they would have to take what they could get, but there was a much more favorable landing site available. Sona seizes control of BunkR BustR's boosters, Smoke begins to trail from the ORACLE unit at Sona's temple as the fine rocket bursts burn out the already over-worked processors. Choosing to loose the operation
Aid (2BR): 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3, 3) + 1 + 1 = 8
She was not able to target engineering in time, but they would have to take what they could get. Sona continues to stand, blind and exposed in front of the intruders as she guides BunkR BustR to a "docking" point a bit closer than the brig, making sure the hole he creates avoids the unnecessary destruction of valuable systems. I'm only assuming I'm put in danger. I just can't mend BunkR from here, so I'd rather take the damage myself.

BunkR BustR |

2BR shivers as Sona takes control. There's no feeling like someone competent saving your metaphorical (and literal) ass, without having any idea how they did it.
So. 2BR gets 4 hitpoints back, and is now perched neatly above the life support module.
It's time to make a mess.
Smashing my way in: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 5) + 2 = 9
2BR hull shredding implements whirr softly for a moment, before pulverising the protective outer hull. Delicate components are mashed far beyond repair, and are lodged in extremely compromising locations, rendering the entire panel more or less worthless. It'll take a moment to see if the shields go down.
The speed at which 2BR works his way into the life support module is horrifying.
As soon as he punctures the inner lining, air is sucked out in a wailing shriek that harmonises briefly with the furious klaxons. Both sounds soon becomes inaudible as the gas that transmits the sound disperses into the vastness of space. Before that though, 2BR has a few moments in which the crew (if there are any in the module) are still in an atmosphere. That is, in an oxygen rich environment.
There is only one response to that.
Setting whatever is in front of me on fire with my flamethrower: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 5) + 2 = 10
> Emotional c-core overrides f-f-fail-fai-

MCKhaos |

Retconnicus, the God of Time, smiles on you 2BR. The 4 damage from the landing is erased and the prisoners live.
2BR, you crash through the hull, pulverizing several crew members in the process. Others are sucked out into space. Two fully armored soldiers, helmets already sealed, turn to face you, and pull weapons. The loss of cabin pressure does not seem to phase them. Sona's connection indicates that you have landed in life support control.
What do you do?
Rotgut, the elf goes flying across engineering as your tree trunk hits home. Miraculously, the elf twists in mid air and lands more or less on his feet. He tosses his sword to the side and brings his palms together. A ball of flame flickers to life between his gloves. The flame goes rocketing towards you Rotgut.
What do you do?
Sona, you shut down externally at the worst possible time, as one of the humans has no trouble riddling your plasteel with blaster bolts. Take 1d8 damage. The human continues to shoot at you.
What do you do?