TTRPGs for one player, one GM?

Other RPGs

Hey all. I love Pathfinder more than many of my relatives, but after many attempts over the years, have found it's not the best for a one GM, one player setup. My significant other and I enjoy running games just the two of us, but again, PF just doesn't work well for me. Are there any games specifically designed for a single player and one GM? I've looked around the Youtubes and Googles, but haven't found anything yet.

For what it's worth: I'm considering running a game of Hunter: The Vigil if I can't find anything more suitable. Also yes we do board games as well, but I'm looking very specifically for a pen-and-paper game.

Thank you for any suggestions/recommendations.

The longest running solo player game I've run used BESM 3E. As with most RPGs designed for a group of PCs, there are a lot of factors to take into account with a single player (action economy, more gaps in skills, getting stuck if that one PC fails at a critical moment, etc.). But we've made it work, mostly by making her character fairly powerful on her own, giving her an NPC companion, and having many situations resolved through role-playing rather than fighting.

Trail of Cthulhu and Gumshoe have "Confidential" campaign books designed for one player and one GM, but I haven't played either version of either game. But from what I've heard on the creators' podcast, the saving grace of those solo games is that the base game system takes the approach that the PCs are highly competent at their professions, and always get the clue they need to continue to the next part of the story. Failure just means that progress comes at a higher price (expending more resources, getting injured, etc.).

Pendragon isn't a bad choice for this. Most of the literature it's based on is written around the adventures of solitary knights, and it's not hard to adapt those to the RPG. And it's one game where there's more than a small amount of one-to-one gameplay alre4ady. Of course it does depend on wanting to play a knight.

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