Need ideas for the Path of Grace

Homebrew and House Rules

After an 8 year hiatus of playing over decided to hop back into pathfinder and this world I love. The new group I recently started playing with are either brand new or 5e Forgotten Realms players (which is also a great setting).

I had the thought of introducing Golarian with a short form adventure hopefully 3 - 5 sessions long and I want to set it in Cheliax around 4574/4575. The premise being a murder mystery of sorts with the players ultimately discovering the secret behind the Path of Grace. I want to incorporate important characters like Daidian Ruel as an NPC before he denounces Aroden and really play up Cheliax as this great imperial nation pre-diabolism. Also to be "there" at the very formation of the Hellknights, at least before they received their moniker. Then when we move into a more long form campaign they'll feel surprised and a little more tied to the lore when they later discover the remaining history of Cheliax.

So with that all in mind, I'm having trouble coming up with motivations behind the murders of the Path of Grace. More specifically why Daidian's wife? I want to make it interesting enough to build a hook around but I'm struggling with this part. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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