PFS? Organized Play? How to start?

Organized Play General Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi a thread a little while ago generated some interest in me for getting into PFS and playing a game to see how it goes.
Unfortunately I spent the last hour kinda spinning wheels and going nowhere trying to find out how to actually get into a game.
I started looking up what I can find starting here

Then went here and read the rules Edition)-Guide-to-Organized-Play

after reading the above stumbled on the find game button under organized play for under my account page for this site and I clicked the find game.
Once there I didnt really see anything I could just join online and now I have a few questions.
i probably missed something obvious somewhere.

Are there games playable online? How is it done online?
How do I actually join a game? Do i post somewhere or email someone?
How quickly can I jump into a game? Many of the games there seemed to be scheduled a while in advance.

Grand Lodge **

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Unfortunately I don't think that event listing ever took off the way they hoped, so there aren't a lot of events advertised on there.

A good source for finding games is Warhorn, which isn't limited to PFS but is used to advertise quite a lot of Society games.

If you're at all interested in play-by-post, there are lodges on the Paizo forums: Cottonseed for PFS2, Flaxseed Station for SFS1, and Augustana Station for SFS2. There isn't a lot recruitment going on in them at the moment, but that's at least partially because there's an event being organized right now, Outpost VIII, so there's signups going on there instead.
(Still, if you ask in the Lodge thread for a beginner-friendly game, especially a short adventure that will likely be done before Outpost, you'll probably get a GM to offer one.)

Other online games are done on VTTs (Virtual Tabletops). Foundry and Roll20 are big ones. A lot of people like Foundry because it's more automated. I like Roll20 because it's less automated.
And sometimes people just slap a map up on a shared Google Doc and use Discord for voice.

How quickly can you jump in? In theory instantly. The next online PFS game I see on Warhorn is in about eight hours... though that one is full with a waitlist, so probably too late to join. Still, I see some openings in games this weekend.
And hey, if you're looking for a game to play "right now," it doesn't hurt to hop on a waitlist for a full game. There may be a last-minute drop or a no-show.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you Super Zero.

Now at least I have a better idea of where to look.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

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A lot of Venture Officers (volunteers who organize and run tables) read these forums. If post the area that you from, I am sure someone point you in the right direction.

Well to the fun!

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