Hirana Monk - Spirit Walker (Custom Class based of Udry from LoL)

Homebrew and House Rules

Going through some old stuff and just wanted to throw this custom class I created some time ago for a campaign we played, just in case anyone else has been looking to play a character like this.

We played up to level 15 or 17 cant remember. So it was used quite extensively with no problems at all, and it was pretty fun.

I have also included a set of custom items I created specifically for this class if any GMs want to use it.

It should be noted that I do generally run a high fantasy game with a pretty quick leveling system. So if you run a game with less magical items and slower leveling I'm not sure how it will hold up there.

Please let me know if you have used the class, how it held up, and any issue you ran into.

See link below for the class:

Special thanks to Homebrewery for making my ideas look professional.

Please go check them out at http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com its a pretty amazing tool.

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