Virgil Tibbs, Playtest Rune Smith

Runesmith Class Discussion

I join Paizo's public playtests by including playtest characters in my ongoing campaign. I wrote a Discord message on December 5 alerting my players to the upcoming Necromancer and Rune Smith playtests, but no-one took the bait yet. Thus, this time I might run a playtest character as an NPC.

My current campaign is the Strength of Thousands adventure path and we just started the 2nd module, Spoken on the Song Wind. That module describes that Nantambu Chime-Ringers and provides the Nantambu Chime-Ringer archetype, but no individual Chime-Ringer NPCs appear. I was already considering adding a recurring Chime-Ringer character, so that Chime-Ringer will be a Rune Smith.

Virgil Tibbs, Rune Smith 4
Medium Human Humanoid
Background Detective
Heritage Skilled
Perception +7
Languages Common(Mwangi), Amurrun, Dwarven, Elven, Gnoll, Iruxi
Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +10, Athletics +11 (expert), Crafting +12 (expert), Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +7, Nature +6, Medicine +6, Occultism +10, Performance +7, Society +10, Stealth +7, Underworld Lore +10
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +0, Int +4, Wis +0, Cha +1
Items breastplate, minor sturdy shield (Hardness 8, HP 64) with +1 striking shield boss, +1 mambele, artisan's tools, healer's tools, 2 minor elixirs of life, lesser cheetah's elixir, rope, 5 gp for prescient planning
Shield Block, Magical Crafting, Trace Rune, Invocation
AC 21 (23 or 24 with shield); Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8
HP 40
Speed 25 feet
Melee +1 striking shield boss +10 (Attached to Shield) Damage 2d6+3 bludgeoning
Melee +1 mambele +10 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Thrown 20 ft.) Damage 1d6+3 slashing
Arcane Innate Spells DC 20, attack +10;
2nd (1/day) runic body or runic weapon
Cantrips (2nd) message, sigil
Runes 4th level, maximum 2 etched, Runesmith Class DC 20; attack +10;
Ancestry Feat 1 Natural Ambition (Rune-Singer)
Background Feat Streetwise
Class Feat 1 Backup Runic Enhancement
Class Feat 2 Nantambu Chime-Ringer Dedication (Message chosen as arcane cantrip)
Class Feat 4 Terrifying Invocation
General Feat 3 Prescient Planner
Skill Feat 2 Combat Climber
Skill Feat 4 Quick Repair

Virgil Tibbs had enrolled in the Magaambya Academy in Nantambu ten years ago to study wizardry and magic item crafting. He also joined the Tempest-Sun Mages academic branch that emphasized protecting people. Unfortunately, despite his intelligence he had almost no talent is spellcasting. He did excel in a special class in Rune Smithing taught by a visiting scholar. A Tempest-Sun-Mage service project teamed him up with the Nantambu Chime-Ringers, the local police department, to solve a crime. He discovered a calling for police detective work, and left the academy to join the Chime-Ringers. Recently, another group of students was appointed by the Magaambya Academy to help the Chime-Ringers during a crime spree. Virgil was assigned as their liaison.

As for Virgil's selection of runes:
ATRYL, RUNE OF FIRE is his basic offensive rune. I avoided ESVADIR, RUNE OF WHETSTONES because that deals persistent bleed damage, which would reduce his chance of taking a suspect in alive.
HOLTRIK, RUNE OF DWARVEN RAMPARTS enhances his defenses. I plan on Virgil fighting with bossed shield etched with holtrik in one hand and the other hand free for tracing runes.
PLUUNA, RUNE OF ILLUMINATION is because Virgil is human and often needs a light source.
ZOHK, RUNE OF HOMECOMING offers an interesting possibility for apprehending criminals. Trace zohk on them with Rune-Singer, teleport them adjacent to Virgil in a Terrifying Invocation, and then grapple them.

He gets a fifth rune in his repertoire at 3rd level, so you're one short.

Xenocrat wrote:
He gets a fifth rune in his repertoire at 3rd level, so you're one short.

Thank you for the correction. I will add OLJINEX, RUNE OF COWARDS’ BANE, since it relates to shields.

Cool. Come back and give us the playthrough on a session or two!

I like your Zohk idea. Also good for sending someone way forward and then pulling them out of trouble. I don't know how all these runes will work out in play, but that one may have some shenanigans potential.

This week's game session began at Oda's Wondrous Creatures in Nantambu. In the previous game session the party had visited to investigate how Oda's captive wyverns had been released into the city two days ago. Oda was hostile to the Magaambya Academy and its students, so the party was pretending to be customers interested in buying a golden elephant bird. Upon checking the animal compound they discovered that all her other exotic animals had been released just hours before. Oda hired them to recapture her animals and they had caught all except the basilisk.

Before the game session began, we altered the past to that Virgil Tibbs had met the party before and he knew that they were students that the Magaambya Academy sent out to investigate the release of the wyverns.

Once the session began, the party retreated to Treat Wounds and talk with the owner Oda before facing the basilisk, which had hidden. During this break, Virgil Tibbs showed up. The kineticist Cara signaled (natural 20 on his innuendo check) to Virgil to pretend not to know them. Instead, Virgil volunteered to help the party of adventurers capture the basilisk.

This would pit eight 4th-level characters against a single 5th-level creature, a Trivial-Threat encounter. However, the encounter still had the risk of petrifying a character, so they were very careful.

They split the party into two groups: those that could attack the basilisk from well outside its 30-foot Petrifying Glance aura and those who would close in. The kineticist Cara had a +12 Fortitude save, much better than Virgil's +8 and champion Wilfred's +9 Fortitude saves, so Cara would be the primary distraction for the basilisk with the other two as secondary distractions. However, when Virgil explained how his Zohk, Rune Of Homecoming, could teleport a pre-petrification slowed person out of the basilisk's range, they instead decided that Virgil would stay out of the aura ready for an emergency Zohk pullout.

The magus Zandre claimed a tree and the bard Jinx sent her heron animal companion aloft (the companion was from her druid free archetype) to safely spot the basilisk from the air. The heron succeeded first, spotting the basilisk lying behind a bush. Then we went into Encounter Mode, initiative order Cara'sseth, Zandre, Jinx Fuun, Roshan, Stargazer, Idris, Basilisk, Virgil Tibbs, and Wilfred. Cara delayed until after Jinx's turn, so that she could benefit from Jinx's Triple Time bard song.

Thus, Zandre was first to act. She knew the hidden location of the basilisk, so she Seeked to observe it and succeeded. Then she shot an arrow with Ray of Frost spellstrike and hit for 10 damage.

After Jinx started Triple Time bard song, Cara moved with the extra speed to where she could see the basilisk. She missed with a fire blast. The long-distance spellcasters also had to move to get a line of sight, due to buildings in the way, and either hid or Averted Gaze. The bard Stargazer instead moved closer into a building, began Courageous Anthem, and then hid.

The basilisk on its turn Strode once toward Zandre, but stopped to stare at Cara with Petrifying Gaze. Cara made her save.

Virigl Tibbs was next. He Strode (with extra distance from Triple Time) to 35 feet from the basilisk but only 15 feet from Cara, and traced a Zohk rune of homecoming on Cara.

Wilfred Strode twice to adjacent to the basilisk, between it and Zandre, and raised his shield.

Zandre on his 2nd turn managed a critical hit on an arrow with Ignition spellstrike for 24 damage and 4 persistent fire damage (our houserule is that we roll once for persistent damage and use that number each round). Jinx and Stargazer kept up their bard songs. Cara, holding the canvas tarp in one hand, Strode to adjacent to the basilisk and Wilfred, Interacted to hand a corner of the tarp to Wilfred, and Strode again to circle the basilisk, cuting off its line of sight to anyone.

Roshan and Idris cast Ray of Frost, using their 3rd actions for Avert Gaze in case the basilisk moved closer. I ruled that the basilisk was hidden by the tarp, but they both succeeded at their flat checks to target the hidden basilisk. Roshan missed and Idris hit for 8 damage.

The basilisk attacked the canvas tarp. It rolled a natural 1 on its 1st Strike, so we joked about how confused it was by the material. The next two Strikes shredded the tarp. But it had not put out the persistent fire damage and took 4 damage from that.

Roshan had suggested that someone should frighten the basilisk, and this felt like a call for Virgil to use Terrifying Invocation. The difficulty was that he was 35 feet away from the basilisk, out of range of Trace Rune at a distance. Thanks to Triple Time, he Strode adjacent to the basilisk, traced an atryl rume of fire on the basilisk directly, and used Terrifying Invocation. He rolled only (13)+7 = 20 for the Demoralize against the basilisk's will DC 21, so barely failed to frighten it. He rolled 16 damage for the fire rune going off, but the basilisk saved for half damage. Virgil was left adjacent to the basilisk with no actions for Raise Shield or Avert Gaze.

Wilfred stabbed at the basilisk three times and hit twice. Zandre shot the basilisk with Ignition spellstrike again and hit to reduce it to dying.

Jinx ran in and cast Stabilize because they were trying to capture the basilisk rather than kill it. The party dragged the basilisk to its cage, bandaged it and its eyes during Treat Wounds, and ran out and locked the cage before it awoke.

The rest of the game session did not involve any Runesmith abilities. The party did buy a golden elephant bird from Oda as a mount for Wilfred. Later, the party and Virgil met with teacher Janatimo who was supervising the team-up between the students and the Chime-Ringers. Virgil complemented them on their resourcefulness and bravery, and Janatimo went ahead with his plan to promote the PCs to conversant status.

Mathmuse wrote:
This week's game session began at Oda's Wondrous Creatures in Nantambu...

Very cool, thanks for the write-up. Doesn't sound like you got to flex your muscles too much this session, but I'm looking forward to the next installment!

Easl wrote:
Doesn't sound like you got to flex your muscles too much this session, but I'm looking forward to the next installment!

I am rearranging the events in the module to schedule a bigger fight next week. They will track down a group of four humanoid thieves: creature 3, creature 5, creature 6, and creature 7. This fight is supposed to happen at 5th level, treated as a 60-xp Low Threat with the first two, then another 60-xp Low Threat against the third, and a 80-xp Moderate Threat against the fourth. In my game the party and Virgil will still be 4th level (changing the 3 XPs to 90, 80, and 120) but the party is double size (halving the 3 XPs to 45, 40, and 60), so I plan to merge some combats.

I asked my wife about this, and she is willing to try a 145-xp Very Serious Threat encounter.

We will have no game sessions in the weeks of Christmas and New Years, so that will be the only new session for a while.

I did not manage any significant playtesting of Runesmith Virgil Tibbs in my game session today, Tuesday, December 17. Virgil suggested catching some thieves. My player made an elaborate plan to capture the thieves that left little work for Virgil himself.

Four thieves had been robbing minstrels busking in the marketplaces of Nantambu. Since the seven-member party had two bards, my players had mention last week that they would probably conduct a sting operation to trap the thieves. Thus, I found on the Internet a 235-foot by 165-foot map of a medieval market for this adventure. The PCs interviewed two musicians, one who had been robbed, and after the interview they directed the party to a group of three minstrels, the Dandy Girls, who regularly played at the market I prepared. The leader of the Dandy Girls, a halfling named Dandelion, had been gathering information herself about the four thieves. The Dandy Girls agreed to work with the party to set up a trap.

I had pulled pictures of the three Dandy Girls from the Internet, and my players had fun identifying the traditional instruments they held, such as a bodhran and a djembe. My wife is a musician. They were shocked to discover the thieves were stealing musical instruments, because that robbed the musicians of their livelihood.

Meanwhile, Virgil made two Gather Information checks himself. He rolled a natural 1 on checking with his fellow Chime-Ringers. They complained that he was investigating petty theft when rumors held that a gang war was brewing. His roll for Gathering Information from his informants was (15)+6 = 22, so his informants told him that Reth and three henchmen were running capers independent of their gang boss. When Virgil compared notes with the party, the descriptions of the four thieves matched.

We could have jumped directly to combat at Reth's Shack, which would have playtested Virgils's runesmith combat abilities, but the sting operation sounded like a boatload of fun, so I passed up on playtesting today. Sorry.

The Dandy Girls spread word that they and another band would give a joint performance at the market the next day. Two bands meant two donation bowls, so please give to both. Meanwhile, the player of the wizard Idris was overjoyed because many illusion spells that Idris had studied for his theater class would be useful in setting up the sting operation. For example, Idris cast Item Facade on an ordinary drum to make it look very valuable. Furthermore, Idris had invested heavily in a mask familiar for the Magaambya Attendant archetype, and the familiar Ayele could turn invisible and move quickly. It would follow the thieves if they escaped. The bat familiar of the bard Stargazer and the heron animal companion of the bard Jinx Fuun would try to do likewise.

Idris considered putting invisible sigils on the donation bowls, but I mentioned that Virgil had the sigil spell, too (via Backup Runic Enhancement feat), so the party decided the Virgil's sigils would be better evidence to prove that the ordinary-looking donation bowls were stolen.

I asked the PCs for Sense Motive checks when the 5th-level human thief Mashkudu walked past the performance to case the items worth stealing. Some succeeded. When Mashkudu departed the east side of the market to meet up with his colleagues, the party messaged Zandre, watching from eastern rooftops but failed his Sense Motive, to watch the suspicious character. And Idris turned Ayele invisible and used Share Senses to listen in.

The thieves used their snatch-and-run tactics described by their other victims. Three ran through and grabbed the donation bowls and the expensive-looking drum while their leader Reth stood along their exit path to block any pursuit. But Athletics-expert rogue Roshan tripped Mashkudu, and bard Stargazer cast Tangle Vine on Mashkuda. Zandre hit the 3rd-level elf thief with a Sleep Arrow and the thief failed his save and fell asleep. The 6th-level iruxi thief resisted the spells and the grapple that would have stopped him.

Next turn, the familiars began secretly following the escape iruxi thief. Mashkuda failed to escape the Tangle Vine and needed an action to rise from prone, so he managed only 15 feet of movement. Roshan grabbed him. Zandre had jumped down from the roof and, aided my Jinx Fuun's Triple Time bardsong, caught up to Mashkudu.

I had placed Virgil on the opposite side of the marketplace map so that the presence of a Chime-Ringer would not scare away the thieves. He needed three turns to reach grappled, web-tangled Mashkudu. And then the game session ended, so I declared that the elf thief was tied up while asleep, the iruxi thief was secured by Roshan, Zandre, and Virgil, and the other two thieves escaped. The familiars would successfully follow them home, so our next game session on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, would pick up at Reth's Shack.

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My weekly game sessions resumed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. On the following Wednesday I tired myself out with snow removal and needed a few days of rest. I no longer remember enough details of the game session to give a turn by turn account, but I remember how the runesmith and necromancer performed.

And yes, I said necromancer even though this is a runesmith playtest. I decided to add a necromancer as an opponent. The encounter with the 6th-level robber Loakan and the 7th-level robber Reth would be just short of a Severe-Threat encounter against an 8-member 4th-level party, and adding a 4th-level opponent would make the XP Budget exactly 240 xp, Severe Threat for a double-size party. I decided that the robbers had left one of their members at Reth's Shack to guard their loot.

Sobe, Iruxi Necromancer, Creature 4
Medium Humanoid Lizardfolk
Heritage Wetlander
Background Criminal
Perception +7
Languages Common (Mwangi), Draconic, Dwarven, Gnoll, Iruxi
Skills Deception(expert) +8, Iruxi Lore +9, Occultism +9, Stealth +8, Survival +7, Thievery +8, Underworld Lore +9; Untrained Improvisation
Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +0
Items studded leather armor, handwraps of mighty blows (+1), thieves' tools

Breath Control
Bone Shaper Bone shapers, also known as osteomancers, craft what they desire from the skeletons of the dead or simply create new skeletons by expanding and shaping small bone pieces.
Class Feat Bone Spear
General Feat Fleet (Player Core 256)
Thrall Enhancement Your thralls are well constructed and nimble. Whenever one or more of your thralls would take damage from an effect requiring a Reflex save, you can attempt a DC 15 flat check. If you succeed, you choose one thrall to take no damage, and on a critical success none of the thralls take the damage.
Consume Thrall, Inevitable Return

Ancestry Feats: Iruxi Armaments (tail)
Background Feat: Experienced Smuggler
General Feat: Untrained Improvisation
Class Feats: Life Tap, Reach of the Dead

AC 18; Fort(expert) +9, Ref(trained) +8, Will(expert) +9 grim wards
HP 44
Speed 30 feet, Swim 15 feet
Melee [one-action] tail +9 (unarmed, sweep), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning
Melee [one-action] claws +9 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+2 slashing
Occult Prepared Spells DC 19, attack +9;
2nd soothe, invisibility
1st charm, runic body
Cantrips (2nd) daze, guidance, know the way, light, shield
Grave Cantrip Create Thrall
Grave Spells (2 focus points) Bone Spear, Life Tap

To build Sobe, I started with the stats of a Lizardfolk Stargazer, and then moved 3 points from Wisdom to Intelligence to give her Int +3. That is not optimal, but iruxi have an Intelligence flaw and I decided to stay true to her ancestry. Lizardfolk have a Bone Magic ancestry feat, so her origin is that her bone magic became exceptionally strong. The actual Bone Magic feat would be redundant for her class; instead, Iruxi Armaments for a tail Strike seemed more versatile. She is a criminal, but mostly worked in smuggling stolen goods rather than robbery.

The resumed scenario is that the player characters' familiars and animal companions had secretly tracked the two fleeing robbers to their house. The game session began there. However, I made to changes to the encounter. First, the module provided a map of the interior of reth's Shack, but I dropped that map onto Paizo's Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Village Square in case the fight extended to the exterior.

Having an exterior meant that the party first scouted the exterior. The players were confused that Reth's Shack had no back door, windows, or other escape route. I had told the two bards that their bard songs would reach the full 60 feet despite walls, so they volunteered to guard the back.

Most of the party sneaked toward the front door. Non-stealthy wizard Idris rolled a 2, so Sobe spotted him as she kept lookout. The party was a little worried that the only resident they saw was not one of the robbers, but their familiars assured them that this was the right house (just roieplaying, since that was the only house with an interior on the map). Sobe called out in iruxi that she had spotted a Magaambya student. Among the good guys only Virgil Tibbs spoke iruxi, so he warned the PCs near him and we rolled initiative. The turn order was:
Jinx Fuun (bard/druid 4),
Zandre (magus/dragon disciple 4),
Roshan (rogue/gelid shard 4),
Stargazer (bard/druid 4),
Reth (evil rogue 7),
Wilfred (champion/magus 4),
Cara'sseth (kineticist/wizard 4),
Sobe (enemy necromancer 4),
Virgil Tibbs (runesmith 4),
Loakan (enemy rogue 6),
Idris (wizard/magaambyan attendent 4).

Zandre climbed to a roof of an adjacent house for line of sight for archery, but she lacked line of sight into Reth's Shack. Wilfred was the first to enter Reth's Shack. He tried to bluff instead of Raising his Shield, but none of the bad guys belived the bluff. Sobe moved to Wilfred and created a thrall behind him so that he was flanked. The thrall hit with its unarmed Strike and then Sobe hit with her tail Strike.

Virgil Tibbs was the next to enter the house, but had only one action remaining which he used to Strike and destroy the thrall. Loakan entered the front room and beat up Wilfred with his two-action Battering Tail activity consisting of a greatsword strike and two tail strikes. The attack dice favored Loakan, rolling high consistently, so Wilfred lost most of his hit points.

The spellcasters outside moved to line of sight through the open doorway on Sobe or Loakan. Some spell attacks against 4th-level Sobe hit but Loakan's monster-level AC and saves repelled the attacks against him. The bards began their songs, Courageous Anthem from Stargazer and Triple Time from JInx. They were still searching for secret exits from the house, so to discourage further searching I had Jinx find one: a section of wall had been partially cut so that a strong iruxi could break through.

Roshan and Cara, two of the tougher party members but not as tough as Wilfred, entered the house to protect Wilfred. Roshan had a successful Strike against Loakan but Cara missed. Reth arrived from the far back of the house, and hit Roshan with a tail strike.

Wilfred laid hands on himself, retreated to the doorway, and Raised his Shield.

Sobe created two more thralls, which successfully attacked Roshan and Wilfred. She moved away from the combatants.

Virgil moved to Wilfred and traced Holtrik, rune of dwarven ramparts, on Wilfred's shield. Then Virgil raised his own shield due to the danger presented by Loakan. Loakan directed his next Battering Tail activity against Virgil, and he still hit, but did not critically hit as much. And Wilfred reduced the damage to Virgil by 6hp with Glimpse of Redemption champion reaction.

Zandre climbed down from the adjacent room and joined the spellcasters, She and the spellcasters outside targetted Reth and Sobe and could not hit Reth. Sobe was taken down to 6 hit points, so Roshan attacked her and sent her to dying 1. Roshan also took out a thrall. Cara tried the Flying Flame area-of-effect against Reth, Loakan, and the last thrall, but Reth and Loakan critically succeeded on their saves. Since Sobe was unconscious, I did not know whether her Bone Shaper ability still granted a Reflex save to her thralls, so for convenience I had it destroyed without rolling the save.

Virgil tried Trace an Atryl rune on Loakan, Invoked it, and Raised his Shield. Loakan saved against the Atryl for half damage. Idris got a hit on Reth with a Ray of Frost.

Jinx showed up to cast Heal on Wilfred. Stargazer moved into line of sight through the doorway and rolled a natural 20 on a Needle Darts attack against Loakan, finally dealing some serious damage to him. Others, such as Roshan, missed. Sobe stabilized on her recovery check.

Reth pulled out his crossbow to be able to use his Deadly Bolts stance that adds 3d8 precision damage to his crossbow's damage. He shot somebody, but I forget who. We had Roshan, Cara, and Virgil inside, Wilfred and Jinx at the doorway, and Zandre, Stargazer, and Idris taking potshots from outside with most missing. Virgil cast Runic Weapon on Wilfred's weapon so that he could deal more damage, and then raised his shield because Loakan was targeting him.

On the next round, Reth used running reload to reload his crossbow and decided to go outside to pick of the spellcasters (and escape if necessary). He shot Idris and made another running reload outside. That led Virgil to follow Reth and trace Zohk, rune of homecoming, on Reth. Virgil was down to 4 hit points, and Jinx had used up her healing spells on Wilfred, so she cast Rousing Splash on Virgil to give him 6 temporary hit points.

Cara and Roshan flanked Loakan, so Roshan got a sneak attack on him.

Virgil moved toward Reth to get within 30 feet and Invoked the Zohk. Reth failed the Will save, so he teleported 35 feet to behind Virgil (the rune said any unoccupied adjacent square). Virgil raised his shield.

Loakan pulled a Battering Tail on Roshan, leaving her with very few hit points. Idris got the last turn, trying a cantrip against Reth, and then we quit for the night.

We resumed combat on Tuesday, January 14. I was tired (probably due to a new medication) and not playing well. And we suffered a 45-minute delay due to technical difficulties with one player's Discord sound.

Reth took his revenge on Virgil. The crossbow bolt dealt only 7 hit points, but Virgil was a 4 hp, so he dropped to Dying 1. You can see that I made two errors here: Virgil still had 6 temporary hit points from Jinx's Rousing Splash and I forgot to Shield Block. I later remembered the temporary hit points, but I had skipped Virgil's turn. He ended up with a new turn order just after Jinx after I remembered.

Roshan, down to only around 5 hp, departed the house to avoid Loakan. This left only Cara and Wilfred (and the unconscious Sobe) in the room with Loakan. Cara missed his fire blast against Loakan. But Loakan, seeing Reth ready to run away, decided on that course himself. He was more greedy, so first he ran into a side room and stuffed the money there into his belt purse. Wilfred stationed himself to guard the door, preparing an attack if Loakan moved into range.

Zandre and the spellcasers outside focused their attacks on Reth. This includes Roshan, who knew Ray of Frost from her archetype. Most rolled well and hit him.

On the next turn, Jinx resumed her Triple Time bard song and commanded her heron to watch the secret exit to the house. Virgil also went inside for safety while he pulled out and drank one of his minor elixirs of life. Reth targeted Idris and hit, but since this was the first time anyone had damaged Idris, his relatively low hit points were enough. Zandre and the spellcasters targeted Reth again and they rolled barely enough to hit and took him down.

Loakan ran toward the back room with the secret exit. Wilfred, Cara, and Virgil followed. Stargazer, moving at Triple Time, soon followed far behind. Jinx, on the other hand, cast Stabilize on Reth to capture him alive. The others placed themselves to ambush Loakan if he used the secret exit.

Loakan closed and barred the door to the back room, leaving him with no more actions to try a Force Open on the secret exit. Virgil made his own Force Open check and broke down the barred door. Then Stargazer used Glad-Hand diplomacy and persuaded Loakan to surrender.

The rest of the game session was searching the house for the stolen musical instruments and any other robbery loot, which they turned over to the Chime Ringers. The PCs are students, so they do not loot. Instead, Magaambya's supply center belatedly lent them 4th-level gear for free to aid them in their collaboration with the Chime Ringers. They were each given a 3rd-level lesser Healing Potion, but stockpiled them with Jinx and Wilfred rather than distributing them evenly.

I had jumped ahead to Chapter 2 of Spoken on the Song Wind for this encounter with robbers, but next game session on January 21 I will return to Chapter 1 for a mission that has nothing to do with Virgil Tibbs. I plan another Virigl Tibbs adventure on Tuesday, January 28.

Thanks for continuing the posts! 8 PCs and 3 enemies looks to be chaotic...and long.

Using a rune to teleport an enemy to somewhere they don't want to be sounded like an excellent and cool use of runes. Though maybe next time don't use it on a crossbow-wielder looking to escape....

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