Seeking clarification on Thorough Reports

Pathfinder Society

The Thorough Reports feat from the Pathfinder Agent archetype instructs you to "Keep track of each type of creature you successfully identify with Recall Knowledge".

1. In this case, what does "type of creature" mean? Is it a broad type, like Undead; or specific, like Skeleton; or even more specific, like "Skeleton Guard"?
2. Does the list of identified types persist between scenarios?

4/5 ****

2: The list definitely persists. You need to keep a list.

Here's my level 11 ranger with the feat, scroll down to the bottom to see their list.


1: I think it's supposed to be each individually named creature, but it's certainty not clear. Was awkward when I played in a game with another player who thought it was only broad types and had just recorded them.

Unfortunately not an issue that PFS can solve, as it's an issue with the core rules.

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