Just starting. What's one good piece of advice?


I'm the GM.

I know the big issue -- be sure to foreshadow the final boss more, because she sorta comes out of nowhere otherwise. However, are there other tips that you might say are essential? I don't need every little fix, but just the top 2 or 3 you deem most essential.

For what it's worth, I'm running the PF1 adventure path (6 modules) that came out right before the PF2 revision. So I don't have any of the PF2 revisions, and don't really have an interest in them, unless you all agree there was some epic awesome encounter or modification that everyone absolutely should follow. I mostly just want to run the PF1 books as-is but avoiding obvious pitfalls like the final boss issue.

Thanks for any tips!

Be prepared for the players to get tired of Kingdom Management and Hexploration. When you think they are, talk to them about it, and offer to just drop those mechanics. The Kingdom Building aspect of the AP has very little impact on the AP's story. And exploring definitely takes a backseat once the goals of the story become more clear to the players. Perhaps make that less formalized, or relegate it offscreen to NPCs who tell the PCs when they've discovered something of interest.

But if the players love those two aspects of the game and never want them to end, more power to them.

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Steal all the things from this board. DMDudemeister's changes (Venture Capital, Hargulka's Monster Kingdom, etc.), the old tyme stolen lands map, party themes, additional hexploration descriptions, etc.

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As you said, foreshadow main villain more. Alternatively, you remove all hints of her and replace them with hints that it's Pitax and end the game with book 5. (If you do this, hints should imply that there's humanoids / someone smarter than the enemies that is coordinating the attacks. If you foreshadow Nyrissa, enemies having locks of green hair works, combined with denizens of the Stolen Lands making references about her with nicknames or some big threat to the lands or something.)

Dudemeister has amazing changes to tie things together a little better, and his changes to mass combat make it less of a risk early on but later-game combats take FOREVER so if you use those rules you may want to roll it all between sessions.

Main Advice directly connected to Kingmaker:
Pre-roll the random kingdom events! That way you can foreshadow them or possibly connect them together instead of trying to retcon things so that they make more sense.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
kadance wrote:
Steal all the things from this board. DMDudemeister's changes (Venture Capital, Hargulka's Monster Kingdom, etc.), the old tyme stolen lands map, party themes, additional hexploration descriptions, etc.

You can find all my changes in my profile, but Venture Capital wasn't mine!

It's a really good addition though so make sure you give it a read.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here's the link for Venture Capital

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Everyone, THANK YOU.

I have a funny story. I haven't looked at my Kingmaker folder for a couple of weeks, and today had time to come here and just read up a little bit. And there was this cool post about "one good piece of advice" and I thought to myself, "Hey, that's right up my alley! I'll read that first!"

Imagine my surprise to find that I started this post and then forgot, and then was delighted to see that I had done this.

So anyway, very much appreciated. I'm looking at Venture Capital and the old timey map and everything Dudemeister now. Thank you all!

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