Belcorra, Nimbhaloth, and Pharasma (spoilers)

Abomination Vaults

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am currently running Abomination Vault, and the party is moments away from the final fight with Belcorra. They have the lenses and everything ready to go, but then I started overthinking:

The character who decided to use the lenses, a Thaumaturge, died about halfway through. I worked with the player and we decided to bring him back with the Living Vessel archetype ( Pharasma decided he wasn't done, and she is, naturally, very opposed to Belcorra's undead schemes.

But now that I think about it, I'm not sure how excited she (or the angel inside the PC) is going to be to feed a soul to Nhimbaloth. I could justify it, she's been evil for so long and no matter what, this is deserved punishment, but maybe that's a stretch.

Would Pharasma be okay (in this one case) with a soul being devoured? Or should the angel inside the PC fight back against that?

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