What Defines a "Gun"?

Operative Class Discussion

So I need to ask, what defines a "gun"?

At first, I was coming to TheGentlemanDM's thread to ask the following, incomplete question.

I was about to say wrote:

On the subject of Pathfinder compatibility, there is one thing I would like to add as an topic but not an answer to your suggestion.

I feel a major reason that the gunslinger had crossbow proficiency was because it would not get banned at no-gun tables.

I think I'd like to see that the Operative gets its firearm expertise with crossbows as well. Unless it already is? The Operative just says it gives expertise in guns, but guns is not exactly defined.

So this raises the question. What is a gun? In Pathfinder, a gun would have been defined as being in the firearm group. But in here, it's probably safe to say that an Arc Pistol is a gun, and a laser rifle is a gun. Of course a Scattergun is a gun.

But what about a Needler Pistol? a Crossbolter, a Flamethrower, or a Card Slinger? Are these guns? What defines what is and is not a gun for these purposes, if the weapon group itself is not defining it?

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Page 90, Key terms side bar.

"Gun: Any ranged weapon with the analog or tech trait."

Xenocrat wrote:

Page 90, Key terms side bar.

"Gun: Any ranged weapon with the analog or tech trait."

Good find, thank you.

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