Foundry VTT deluxe package error

Playtest General Discussion


I just ran the shard of the ghost planet on Foundry
Some of the things are not done or not finish and I just wanted to let you know.
- Dae : Stats, Heritage action not done and Stats, Armor not equip.
- all the aliens are not placed on maps like you did for other modules
- Sounds seems to include from Junkward delight, if this is the case it is fine but if not maybe include them.

This module is really well made, the journal and the handout are beautiful.

A suggestion would be to format the push to chat function you have in the journal, currently it only push the text content but if you could also push a format like the one in the journal that would be great as I do it in my own adventures.

I normally run my custom campaign as I like to keep the players on their toes so they cannot read in advance but the quality of this deluxe module makes me tinck I may buy those package in th future.


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