Trying to find Core Conversion character sheets on Table Top Simulator

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Hello one and all!

I have recently discovered the joy of playing PACG via Table Top Simulator and I have seen a few versions of the game where there was a few character sheets labeled 'Core Conversion' that, as the name indicated was for characters of pre-Core versions being updated, in a nice, one-page format including roles. The workshop content was titled 'PACG2e_Updated' by 'zigzagzen'.

I was wondering if anyone knew where that person got those and if there are more, as all I could find were the ones automatically loaded with the game, which included Kess, Siwar (Bard Deck), Varian, Raz (paladin deck) and Kyra.

I have sent a comment on the workshop page but the content creator has not done anything since 2021, so slim hope there.

Thank you all!

Sorry I didn't see this earlier. If you message me on Discord, I'll try to help you! (I couldn't find a way to message you here.)
Dad of Destiny (Steven; he/him)

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