Velez |
Good afternoon to members of the community.
I just bought a beginner's box and ordered the core rulebook, are there any tips, tricks and such for the first game, or should I just follow what is written in the beginner's box? There is also a little problem in that the people I usually play with are not really into the space theme (Not fans of Star Wars and Star Trek and such) how can I get them involved and interested?
The setting is so remotely familiar(I played both Pathfinder(Kingmaker and WOTR) on PC that I can say I'm not familiar with it at all.

Tim Emrick |

The setting is so remotely familiar(I played both Pathfinder(Kingmaker and WOTR) on PC that I can say I'm not familiar with it at all.
That is not terribly surprising. Starfinder is theoretically set in the same universe, some unknown number of centuries or millenia in the future, but the scope and focus of the game are wildly different from Pathfinder, even beyond the obvious points of high tech weapons and starships. Unless your Pathfinder experiences included interplanetary travel (which was very rare, and always dangerous), there will be very little that is familiar beyond the names of some of the species and gods who originated in Lost Golarion.

Dragonchess Player |

I just bought a beginner's box and ordered the core rulebook, are there any tips, tricks and such for the first game, or should I just follow what is written in the beginner's box? There is also a little problem in that the people I usually play with are not really into the space theme (Not fans of Star Wars and Star Trek and such) how can I get them involved and interested?
I would also suggest you review the subgenres overviews from the Galaxy Exploration Manual. High Science Fantasy, Parallel Worlds, or even Postapocalyptic or Space Western might be easier for groups that aren't into space travel to get started. You will probably need to modify existing material or create parts of your setting from scratch, but the Sandbox Adventures section of the Galaxy Exploration Manual also provides some tips.