Pathfinder 2e Indie CRPG

Video Games

I am curious as to what would happen if an indie developer took the ruleset of PF2e and attempted to make a CRPG. You could also do things where you could have it be a game where players could make adventures like old CRPGs like Witcher and things like that. I think it could be a good way to sell people especially if you could have multiplayer and level creators. Just a thought I suppose but curious what other people think about this idea and the legality of it

Dawnsbury Days

Released in March, this game uses the PF2E ruleset and is worth every penny of its purchase price!

Join the Discord server to find out about updates, mods, and a possible sequel!

Purple Worm wrote:

Dawnsbury Days

Released in March, this game uses the PF2E ruleset and is worth every penny of its purchase price!

Join the Discord server to find out about updates, mods, and a possible sequel!

I have quest for the golden candleabra I didn't know they made another.

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