Orphaned Pathfinder Tales Novels

Paizo General Discussion

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

2019 quote:

Erik Mona wrote:
I wouldn't be terribly surprised to see us get back into fiction, and I really really really want to find a way to release the half-dozen "orphaned" novels we've got from when the regular releases wound down a couple years ago.

Do the orphaned novels have a good chance of seeing the light of day if the Godsrain book does well?

Could they be published digital only?

The drive still there to get 'em out 5 years on?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Would delete if I could as I got an answer from James on the subreddit.
Was casting a wide net by putting it both places.
Quote below for anyone who doesn't use Reddit.

James Jacobs wrote:
The drive is for sure still there. How Godsrain does will be a big factor of our fiction plans going forward. I'm in the category of hoping we can get back into fiction too though! FINGERS CROSSED!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Definitely need to publicize the Godsrain novel then. I read all of the previous ones, but haven't followed PF2E much, so didn't know a novel was coming. I'll likely pick it up and read it. I expect there's a good number of fans who would even if they're not following PF2.

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