PFS2 5-15 Cleansing the Flame

GM Discussion

Radiant Oath ** Venture-Agent, North Carolina—Raleigh

I discovered a couple stat block issues:

1) The Junior Cultist's shortsword damage is 2d8+6 but I could find no justification for why this would be different from the standard shortsword, which should be 1d6+4. The official Foundry VTT version uses 1d6+4.

2) Uirch's low-tier spell list has a couple problems. Flame Strike is a 5th rank spell, but Uirch has it prepared at 4th rank. The high-tier version also has it prepared in a 4th rank slot. Also his cantrips on the low-tier stat block should be heightened to 4th rank, not 5th.

4/5 ****

NPC attack damage doesn't use PC rules etc, it can be set to whatever is appropriate for the challenge level.

Also there's already a thread for this scenario Here

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