Unable to purchase digital content

Website Feedback

So I have been trying for a couple of weeks to purchase some PFS scenarios. I have a deadline coming up that I need them for. (I know, it was my mistake for assuming it would take less than a month to successfully buy something on this website.)

When I reach the end of checkout and click "Place Order," nothing happens. The objects remain in the cart. I do not receive an email. My bank account is charged for the amount, but this charge remains "pending" for a week before disappearing. If I click "Place Order" multiple times, I receive multiple charges, not that it matters, because none of them go through. I have tried deactivating my VPN, unloading and loading up the cart again, logging out and back in.

I recall having had this problem before, years ago (with a different bank/credit card). Back then it wasn't so bad because I could pirate the content I wanted while waiting around in an attempt to to actually buy it, but it is much harder to do this with PFS scenarios.

Should I make a whole new account? Drive to Paizo HQ with a flash drive and a make a cash transaction? Any ideas would be welcome.

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