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Grand Lodge

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ElbowtotheFace wrote:

Northerner: Those are my goats and these are my dire chickens.

Southerner: that's an ostrich and a cassowary
Northerner: Dire... Chickens...

LOL, I literally laughed so hard I began to cry. This is great.

Grand Lodge

Middle Lands of Urliek

Dutchy of Vichenzychen :
Nestled between the County of Bergemann to the east, Serglelund to the North, The Dutchy of Wolle to the West, the land of Weiserlund to its south west, the Capitol koninberg to its south and Rieterland to its south east it is the second most land locked Province,

Duke Cole Vichenzychen: A man of middle age who lost his right lower arm in a duel with the current Emperor. the two are friends,but also Cole is known to push his friendship and familiarity which lead to the duel and subsequent loss of his arm. This made the once accomplished spear man fall to letting his oldest son Heigl do any duel from now on. He is honorable and stoic, but also known loyal to the crown.

Vichenzychen is the Dutchy known for its wine and tea. it produces both in large quantities. Its basic peasantry and nobility are known for being footmen with focus on Spears and polearms. They also have decent gunners and chemists as they seek better ways to make Wine and mead.

House Vichenzychen is a Green and white field with a bunch of Red Grapes on it.

Dutchy of Wolle:

South of Matrose and Seglerland, west of the Capitol and Vichenzychen, and north of Weizenlund this smaller Dutchy is home to the Wolles.

Duke Friedman Wolle a Vishkanya who oddly enough is incredibly well know for his incredible alchemical skills but also his fashion sense. It was thanks to him that he has been able to use the few minerals to make nessecary ingredients for less volatile gunpowder. He also has used his Dutchy not only for sheep wool, he has made them a center for textiles and clothing as well as gunpowder production.

House Wolle is a Brown shield with a White Rams head on it.

Konigburg: The capitol. the center of over the prestidigous Riegnboch River and many others conver this once notorious marshland into the powerful bustling seat of Urlieks throne. The Rienboch Bank, Weinharts Warddrobe,The Esteemed and opulant Akron Opera, the Tower of Saints which was once the esteemed Tower of High Sorcery but now is more the Unaffilated Tower of Summoners. Other wise almost everything can be found here. Embassys, The Urliek Church of The Triumvates Arch Bishop resides here as well as many of the Royal families noble Retinue lasts here. One of which is the Mysterious Vosk family, reknown for its occult libraries and practices. aside the Royal Library it is Said the Vosk's Library is three times the size of the Library.

In the Sewers Duke Nk'ssch Cheddar or as others know him as The Rat King is the Ratling Lord who is the ratfolks leader and has made them intrical to the empire catching and corraling rats, removing trash and waste as well as helping ins repairs and tinkering of devices ot benefit Konignburg like Spark Lamps, Clockwork generators and more.

Konignburg houses the Offical urliek military which is represented as A purple Shield with a Gold Dragon on it.

Heart of the powerful Urliek Agriculture lands Reiterland is known for its dairy,cattle, poultry, rabbit, duck, peasant, deer and more. They also have a variety of horses particularly the Reitergei huge Red Roan draft horses almost as hearty and dangerous as the Esporean Black Fleir or Grey Eush which the Esporean Nobles perfer to ride into battle.

Reiterland is lead by Viscount Dieter Reiter the newly risen ruler of the Province after his Father and Brothers Died in Kruezritters Crusades. Dieter is more a breeder of horses than a politician making his sister Hilda Reiter the more dangerous politically.

Reiterland is represented by a White and Black four checker Shield with a brown bulls head on the center

next will be the Southern lands

I love the imagery of the 'Solomon Kane' character, but I'll build a character a little more lighthearted. As for build and backstory; I'm looking at a second son of a second son of a lesser family, just barely someone that would be considered nobility. He will end up being a mercenary looking to make a name and a place for himself. As for the build it's still up in the air. Since I'm looking for sword and pistol, I'm trying to decide what build would go best.

If I go 'Cavalier' how beneficial will keeping the mount be? Can you give us an idea how much combat might actually be in 'battle' ie. outside combat? Sticking with the theme of a 'poor' cavalier armed with rapier and pistol, what country or county would you recommend?

Grand Lodge

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Robert Henry wrote:

I love the imagery of the 'Solomon Kane' character, but I'll build a character a little more lighthearted. As for build and backstory; I'm looking at a second son of a second son of a lesser family, just barely someone that would be considered nobility. He will end up being a mercenary looking to make a name and a place for himself. As for the build it's still up in the air. Since I'm looking for sword and pistol, I'm trying to decide what build would go best.

If I go 'Cavalier' how beneficial will keeping the mount be? Can you give us an idea how much combat might actually be in 'battle' ie. outside combat? Sticking with the theme of a 'poor' cavalier armed with rapier and pistol, what country or county would you recommend?

Calvary Mercenary would be Reiterlund. They have the Knights with guns, often wear two Wings on the back as well as on thier helmets. It signifies Status be it Noble, Military, or Wealth. Different colors for each. the also carry the Hamada, the things Samurai have that show houses and units on there backs. The Wing colors would be a company color and then a color that states the Noble, Military or Wealth.

Sounds like the hussars. You see any reason one couldn't be a part of the action?

Half tempted to take the Human Alternate Racial Trait: Military Tradition and use the Estoc and dueling sword to represent their long thrusting swords and sabres.

Cavalier Archetype: dune Drifter / Swashbuckler Archetype: Picaroon is looking pretty good.

@Robert Henry! How dare you posit that I asked a question!?! I did not! I was merely pointing out that Dwarves have apparently perfected Gnomes, possibly through some magickal techniffery. How dare you sah! I demand satisfaction!

LandSwordBear wrote:
@Robert Henry! How dare you posit that I asked a question!?! I did not! I was merely pointing out that Dwarves have apparently perfected Gnomes, possibly through some magickal techniffery. How dare you sah! I demand satisfaction!

Pistols or sabres? I think I'm planning on using both....

Edit: Oh, and thank you. How dare you....' is officially a question, so I get to leave it :)

Grrr. No satisfaction for you. You are…lucky. That’s right! Lucky! Next time RH, next time!

I'd like to submit Elara. Still need to go over her normal equipment, but should be mostly finished - although given the frequent back and forth on her options as I was building her, might end up changing something later. But her basic concept is done.

Gold: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 5, 2) = 18x10+900=1080. Is this right? Rich Parents sets your starting gold to 900, but the crunch post says "Starting wealth: Normal, but also everyone has Rich Parents Trait.". I figured the intent was to add 900 to our normal starting wealth.

Stat Sheet:

Elara von Silbermond
Human Alchemist ( Vivisectioninst) 1 / Slayer (Executioner) 1;
Lawful Evil Medium Humanoid(Human)
Init: +3 Senses: Darkvision, Perception +4

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
hp 11 (10+1 con)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0 (+2 vs charms and compulsions)

Speed 30 ft.
Masterwork Kukri +3 (1d4+1, 18-20 x2)
Kukri +2 (1d4, 18-20 x2) (off-hand)

Longbow +4 (1d8, x3)

Exteacts Prepared (CL 1; (2/0/0/0/0/0))

Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Power Attack; Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Martial), Throw Anything, Brew Potion
Traits Bruising Intellect, Child of Two People
SQ Accuracy; Bloodstained Hands; Darkvision; Focused Killer; Studied Target +1; Alchemy; Mutagen; Sneak Attack +1d6;
Languages:Common, Dwarven, Elven


Skills (8 per level, 2 background - 8 ranks, 2 background)
Acrobatics +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 dex);
Bluff +4 (1 rank, 3 class);
Craft(Alchemy) +7 (1 background rank, 3 class, 2 int, 1 alchemist );
Diplomacy +4 (1 rank, 3 class);
Disable Device +9 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 dex, 2 circumstance);
Intimidate +6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 int);
Perception +4 (1 rank, 3 class);
Sense Motive +4 (1 rank, 3 class);
Sleight of Hand +7 (1 background rank, 3 class, 3 dex);
Stealth +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 dex);

Money Spent: 741

Armor: Masterwork Chain Shirt

Formula Book
1stFalse Face, Cure Light Wounds, Shield, Speechreader's Sight

Racial Options

Characters with this trait are at home in gloomy conditions. Whenever these characters benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks.

Dwarves can take this trait in place of the greed and stonecunning traits. Elves, gnomes, halflings, and half-orcs can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity. Half-elves can take this trait in place of adaptability. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet.


While still a minor family, the Silbermond family has seen a string of successes in the recent decades, which has mostly been attributed to the cunning mind of Friedrich von Silbermond, a sharp witted diplomat who has continuously managed to outsmart and outmanoever his rivals through his sharp mind, shrewd negotiation skills and a good deal of luck.

In truth, a good deal of his successes are in part thanks to his wife, the mysterious half-elven Branwen Gwyngyll, who he supposedly met on one of his travels to Esporia. In reality, she is a skilled assassin and alchemist, been hired by Frederick to deal with his opposition, employing whatever tactics they deem necessary to achieve their ambitious goals. Eventually they fell in love and married, and had two children. Friedrich made sure to instill in them a sense of duty to their family and their country from the threats that might harm them - Gunther, the older brother, took that to heart and enlisted in the Urliek Military. Elara, on the other hand, knew very well those threats could just as easily come from the other noble families, particularly those who would put their interests ahead of the country. And she also knew the value of a well placed blade, dose of poison, or incriminating evidence, and her mother ensured she had the skills to carry those out if need be.

Silbermond Crest:

The family's crest is a silvery crescent moon against a blue background.

Appearance and Personality:

Elara has a pale and flawless skin, and her medium-length hair cascades in light blonde waves down her back. Her piercing, deep blue eyes seem to take the measure of anyone with just a single glance.

Her lithe figure is wrapped in a form-fitting, yet practical ensemble of the finest silk and leather, and an intricately crafted chain shirt, allowing for fluid movement and silent stalking. A slim, curved dagger adorned with a sapphire pommel is always at her side, a silent companion to her shadowy steps. She carries an elegant pouch filled with various herbs and vials of potent potions, as well as her formula book, her recipes written in her delicate script.

For formal occasions, she typically wears a formal blue dress with silver accents, the colors of her house. If she believes she can get away with it, she'll bring along her pouch and her daggers carefully hidden away.

Elara moves with the grace of a panther, her steps silent on the cobblestone streets and castle corridors. Her words are chosen with precision, often carrying multiple layers of meaning that could either charm or disarm, depending on her intent.

Note on alignment and character interaction:

So, I was already leaning towards an Evil alignment even before settling on the Executioner archetype (which I think fits perfectly with her concept) - I'm picturing Elara as someone who does whatever is necessary to achieve her goals. That said, her primary motivation will be to defend the country's and her family's interests - there's no reason for her not to help towards the country's "greater good", especially if doing so gets her family more power and recognition. And she won't push the party into anything they might be reluctant to do (although she may put it on the table), as their cooperation is bound to be much more valuable in the long term. Think ruthless, calculating, "the ends justify the means" . She won't be out to commit evil acts whenever she can - evil for evil's sake is just stupid to her. But she won't have any qualms about suggesting something it if she thinks it's the most efficient way to achieve their goals - especially as she figures their opponents won't have any problems doing the same to them. 'When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die', right?

That said, if you think this approach is bound to create problems with the party/campaign, I'll be happy to rework her as needed.

Build plans:

Right now, I'm thinking of going into Guerrilla Unchained Rogue for four levels on the slayer side, and building towards an intimidate build. Might change ideas depending on the party composition and preferences.

Grand Lodge

Elara von Silbermond wrote:

I'd like to submit Elara. Still need to go over her normal equipment, but should be mostly finished - although given the frequent back and forth on her options as I was building her, might end up changing something later. But her basic concept is done.

[Dice=Gold]5d6x10+900=1080. Is this right? Rich Parents sets your starting gold to 900, but the crunch post says "Starting wealth: Normal, but also everyone has Rich Parents Trait.". I figured the intent was to add 900 to our normal starting wealth.

** spoiler omitted **...

Add Esporanto [the Langauge of Esporia] (Its basically Basque) as a language as it would be a Language you would start with.

Grand Lodge

The Southern Lands

Weizerlund: the largest of the southern provinces, renown for its perfect farm land, it yeilds over 80% of the kingdoms grains, vegetables and fruits. Though important to the totality of the empire it is also one of the most violatile.

Weizerlund is ruled offically by Young Baron Johann Weizer, a 4 year old boy and only recognized hier to the late great Alaric Weizer the Kind by his subjects and kruel to his enemies. When the old man died mysteriously his sons fought as did the many nobles in a brutal coop. When the Empires forces arrived half the Heirs were slain and the other imprisoned or exiled. This also was for many of the noble houses, making many new nobles supporters of house Weizer as well as new houses from the Imperial Forces.

Baroness Adelaide Weizer formerly Adelaide Schiefbau of the Dutchy of Schiefbau is the 14 year old former wife of Carl Weizer the true Heir who was slain early in the conflict. She rules the land and guides it with as much accumen as she can, but conflict is still there.

House Weizer is a Golden Grain Sheath on a field of Green

Dutchy of Schiefbau:
The Southern trade hub takes the complete southern coast of Weizerlund as well as its Fjord. Know as the merchants Duchy this well fortified land has little exports save seafood, gems, and minerals it brings in trade from all the lands connected to the Dragon Sea.

Its House Schiefbau is strange and ruled by the Duchess Anneliese Schiefbau an Undine of indeterminate age.She also is known to have been alive over a century. Its speculation that she is one of the Saints of magic, others think its from dark bargins. Either way she welds her rumors skillfully be them as a sharp weapon to strike and twist, or an iorn bulwark to detract attacks. This has also lead to her brillant business accumen to the point she holds a vast fortune from the Bank, to various guilds. Aside from these she is intrensictly tied to the College of Astrology and Asrtonomy.This makes them flush with a variety of unigue and strange magic users.

House Schiefbau is a watery green and Grey field with a Silver Trident in the center.

Winzern County: Across the bay from the Duchy of Schiefbau is the watery and rocky Winzern County. Born from the marsh and swampy lands in the shadow of the mountians House Winzern was crafted from a lesser noble house in Matrose who conquered the swamps driving away many of the Lizardfolk and beasts in to the deeper recesses or the mountians themselves. Winzern is known for its strange Fruits, meats and Fish. it biggest export is its miracle crops of Orange, Lemon,Birds Beak, and the strangest a grain known as Rice. Winzern is also well known for its marines with warriors capable of fighting on land, boat and sea. A hearty people the Winzern County is also the most unforgiving of the Urliek lands aside from the Horde prepped Vertindiger and the southern coasts of Halflund.

Count Otto von Wizern is an old man in his 70s. Crafty, cunning and often considered craven, the man is no slouch. He has a peg leg on his left foot, Missing four of his fingers between his two hands, Lost his right eye and ear, the left cheek of his face is a gnarled mess of scar tissue. he slumps due to several other injures he has occured in the many conflicts he has fought in. Otto is on his fifth wife and has father over 20 heirs and about 40 more illegitimate children. oddly enough Otto never misses a call to arms thus his injures. He is however one of the best tactical warrior of all the leaders. This is also with the smallest of personal forces, retainers and a refusal of hiring mercenaries. In fact when many people she the Raven flying above the rough looking forces of Wizern troops in mail and leather jack.

House Wizern is a Black Ravens Head over a Dark Gray and Dark Green Field

Halflund: More a Vassal state than a a true county the land of the halflings and gnomes is a hilly land nestled indetween two mountians ending into a marshy coast due to the myriad of rivers the ingenious gnomes and halflings built.

Halflund is the most peaceful of the counties, lead by House Silne'Srdce a Halfling noble house and House Kuyumcu the gnome Noble house.

Halflund pretty much keeps much of there goods in province. They have access to al most all of Urlieks argiculture and minerals. Still Halflund produces unique cheeses, beers, ales, perserves, herbs, spices and much more. On top that they produce various reciepes for food and alchemical goods.it is also is the man exporter of a strange concoctions called coffee,chocolate and tobacco. These three addictive things are what keeps the peaceful land pretty much untouched by the politics of Urliek as a whole.

Ontop of that they have various devices and gear they import to the rest of the nation, like Clockworks, Guns, Gunpowder and more. In fact many of these things help mine and build, but the Halflings insist on a halfling touch to food production and guide the clockworks to better build.

The rulers tend to have special Hostels for Human and dwarf sized visitors called Hotels. These Hotels house them and cater to them. This has kept few Humans in the land. The Coast has large walled Human cities built by Gnome and Dwarf artisans showing straight lines and angles to show a prestine and beautiful smooth and orderly feel that is also beautiful. The lands have various steam and clockwork powered devices. The Cities bustle with trade as the river barges and carts bustle in to trade with the outsiders.

House Silne'Srdce is Ruled by Countess Bojana a devotee of the Triumvrate. She is know as a living grimoire who has spread much of the faith to her people. Even though many of her people worship local spirits and there ancestors.

House Silne'Srdce is a Silver Footprint on a vibrant field of Green

House Kuyumcu is lead by the revered gnome Alchemist Ozan Kuyumcu is a venerable gnome known for his clockwork constructs. Said to be so frail he has constructed a Clock work throne the Gnome leads his people and Halflund to bring innovation to the nation.

House Kuyumcu is a Red and yellow Field with a Golden Cog in the middle.

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I’m thinking I might switch from half-elf to Tiefling (or possibly other Planetouched). That might fit what I’m going for a little better. Can Aasimar & Tieflings roll on the variant ability chart?

Ah for the good old days when Herolab still worked on gestalt.

But I have the basics figured out.

Wilhelm Jaeger -Human(second son of a Baron- will need some suggestions as to where. )

He's a second son, so basically doesn't inherit squat. Thus he delved into hunting to keep himself amused as there was little point in learning the tasks of leading the barony. His brother was always more interested and in good health, so nobody cared. He became very adept at dodging social duties.

fighter/gunslinger(bolt ace)

Str 12
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Chr 8

Ac 18
Hp 12

Skills: Acrobatics +8, Climb +5, Perception +4, Stealth +9, Survival +4

Traits: Indomitable Faith, Bandit, Rich Parents
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Precise Shot

Light Crossbow: +5 1d8, Kurki +4 1d4+1

He will eventually end up built into a sniper.

I have my submission mostly done. Jakob Adams, a monk/hunter. I need to work on his backstory some. I know the basics but not sure what part of the country he is from.

He is the 8th son and knows he will not inherit anything. He was constantly bettered by his brothers in swordplay and learned to use his fists and feet to fight. He is much more at home in the woods hunting and making sure the forest is well cared for. He is the game warden for the family and spends more time in the woods with his grizzly bear than engaging in politics.

I have avoided eastern weapons as they may not fit the feel of this campaign. I plan to use a quarterstaff, unarmed strike and bow for now. He is a melee combatant with bad AC, even if someone uses his wand of Mage Armor.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ouachitonian wrote:
I’m thinking I might switch from half-elf to Tiefling (or possibly other Planetouched). That might fit what I’m going for a little better. Can Aasimar & Tieflings roll on the variant ability chart?

YES!!!! definitely I love a little Chaos

Grand Lodge

drbuzzard wrote:

Ah for the good old days when Herolab still worked on gestalt.

But I have the basics figured out.

Wilhelm Jaeger -Human(second son of a Baron- will need some suggestions as to where. )

He's a second son, so basically doesn't inherit squat. Thus he delved into hunting to keep himself amused as there was little point in learning the tasks of leading the barony. His brother was always more interested and in good health, so nobody cared. He became very adept at dodging social duties.

fighter/gunslinger(bolt ace)

Str 12
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Chr 8

Ac 18
Hp 12

Skills: Acrobatics +8, Climb +5, Perception +4, Stealth +9, Survival +4

Traits: Indomitable Faith, Bandit, Rich Parents
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Precise Shot

Light Crossbow: +5 1d8, Kurki +4 1d4+1

He will eventually end up built into a sniper.

You can use firearms

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Critzible wrote:

You can use firearms

I know. There's just two things.

A) Firearms a really loud. A sniper using a firearm in close proximity which isn't detected strains my credulity.
B) The idea that a muzzle loading firearms of any sort can be reloaded in under six seconds strains the hell out of my credulity. I do understand mechanically the firearms are better. The targeting of touch AC is broken as hell, and I should jump on that to abuse. However I won't. Anyway, bolt ace ends up with a crossbow shooting a 17-20 x3 threat range, and that's pretty nice.

If you would prefer me to indulge in the firearms, I can. It would make for an easier build no doubt.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Because I am that kind of nerd, during the Revolution a well trained solider could fire 3 to 4 musket rounds a minute. The training standard was 3. Rifles fired less.

Grand Lodge

drbuzzard wrote:
Critzible wrote:

You can use firearms

I know. There's just two things.

A) Firearms a really loud. A sniper using a firearm in close proximity which isn't detected strains my credulity.
B) The idea that a muzzle loading firearms of any sort can be reloaded in under six seconds strains the hell out of my credulity. I do understand mechanically the firearms are better. The targeting of touch AC is broken as hell, and I should jump on that to abuse. However I won't. Anyway, bolt ace ends up with a crossbow shooting a 17-20 x3 threat range, and that's pretty nice.

If you would prefer me to indulge in the firearms, I can. It would make for an easier build no doubt.

No was curious. You can also use the repeating Crossbow

trawets71 wrote:
Because I am that kind of nerd, during the Revolution a well trained solider could fire 3 to 4 musket rounds a minute. The training standard was 3. Rifles fired less.

Frederick the Great of Prussia through vigorous training managed to get his drilled musketmen able to go from 4 shots per minute to 5 shots per minute, and it make his army near unbeatable. So, yes 15 seconds per on a long arm, 12 if you're really good.

Critzible wrote:

No was curious. You can also use the repeating Crossbow

Doesn't really offer much benefit except exchanging exotic weapon proficiency repeating crossbow for rapid reload.

I've made this build before while GMing high level gestalt games much to the vexation of my players.

Did you have any suggestions for a an origin location for the fellow? Something Germanic would be good.

Bolt Ace wrote:
Crossbow Maven: A bolt ace is proficient with all crossbows instead of all firearms and begins play with a masterwork crossbow of her choice. This ability alters the gunslinger’s weapon proficiencies and replaces gunsmith.

That seems to say to me that you are proficient in it already.

trawets71 wrote:
Bolt Ace wrote:
Crossbow Maven: A bolt ace is proficient with all crossbows instead of all firearms and begins play with a masterwork crossbow of her choice. This ability alters the gunslinger’s weapon proficiencies and replaces gunsmith.
That seems to say to me that you are proficient in it already.

Hmm, good point. However you end up with a reload after 5 shots that takes a full round action so rapid reload is needed anyway.

Grand Lodge

I would suggest Wizernland as they are reknown fighters especially guerilla style. Due to the swamp lands


Seemed like it was time for round two.

Djack Nymball

Posted an idea
pinvendor: Summoner
ElbowtotheFace: Human Barbarian/Hunter idea,
Ouachitonian: Tiefling (Esporia) skill-heavy, Dex-based martial
Robert Henry: Human (Reiterlund) Cavalier (dune Drifter)/Swashbuckler (Picaroon)

Posted a character
TheWaskally: Lord Felix Zumstein Human Bard/Investigator (sleuth)
eriktd: Bryus Furgonov human Investigator/shifter
Pad300: Maxim von Mekkhan Tiefling (Venterdeiger) U-rogue(Guerilla)/Magus(Spire Defender)
Pancakes Elara Von Silbermond Human Alchemist (Vivisectionist) / Slayer (Executioner)
Drbuzzard: Wilhelm Jaeger Human (Wizernland ) fighter/gunslinger(bolt ace)
Trawets71: Jakob Adams Human Monk/Hunter

If I've missed anyone or gotten something wrong, please let me know and I will correct it on my next posting.

drbuzzard wrote:
Ah for the good old days when Herolab still worked on gestalt.

Hmm, does this mean the Gestalt function isn't working? Lol, I guess this means I have to go look up the actual Gestalt rules since I've just been relying on my tricked out HeroLab to be right.

Regarding my submission. I have two ideas:

Concept: Aasimar Master Summoner Summoner/Bard

  • A beautiful young diva who is such a prodigy of vocal talent, an outside entity (eidolon) appears before her to listen to hear singing. She gained renown for her ability to create the characters in the songs she sings (summon monster spells) and her eidolon often appears on stage with her assisting with her performances. Mechanically, she's still summoning creatures from the spell lists, but they appear wearing little costumes (purely cosmetic) representing the characters from the song.
  • Very sheltered noble upbringing, and while somewhat worldly, very out of touch with the circumstances of those outside her class. Her talent was noticed at a young age and encouraged by her rather domineering mother who seeks to keep her daughter's performances seen as an elite treat and fancies herself a very savvy patron of the arts.

    Concept: Human Twinned Summoner Summoner/Paladin

  • A homely daughter of a struggling noble house who was sent to study with The Triumvirate Faith. During her time spent in prayer and contemplation, she received a vision which directed her to the mirror and she assisted her reflection (her eidolon) with entering the world to assist her in her new status as a champion of the gods.
  • Humble and righteous, but young and naive who will need the guidance of those around her to better understand how best to balance her belief against the realities of the world around her.

    I'm trying to narrow down my feelings on these. I will try to commit soon, but I welcome any feedback.

  • pinvendor wrote:
    drbuzzard wrote:
    Ah for the good old days when Herolab still worked on gestalt.

    Hmm, does this mean the Gestalt function isn't working? Lol, I guess this means I have to go look up the actual Gestalt rules since I've just been relying on my tricked out HeroLab to be right.

    One of the users created the add on which allowed Herolab to work gestalt characters. He hasn't posted in a decade or so, and some patch in the last year or two finally broke the add-on that he had created to make it work. Thus it is gone.

    Gestalt rules are basically pretty simple. You get the goodies from both sides. Anything which is better on one side or the other you get, plus all class abilities.

    For example, say you are a fighter/bard- you're have all good saves since the fighter gives good fort, and the bard gives good will and reflex. You'd have fighter BAB, but bard skill ranks. This follows through everything.

    I appreciate the insight. I used the Gestalt function, but now I know I should double check its numbers in case it didn't produce the correct details.

    If your gestalt is working, then you're up on me. I'd suggest not patching the software. It works fine when it works. As it is currently (for me an my associates), it simply isn't an option anymore.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I don't think I'm going to submit. I just can't get anything to work like I want it to. Might jump back in if inspiration strikes me, but don't wait up.

    starting wealth: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 4, 6) = 18

    Critzible wrote:
    As for Whip and War Priest the Dominant Faiths are The Triumvirate and The Sven Saints[ who are alive and reincarnate to new bodies). Each allow for any weapon of choice. It a personal choice basednoff the Triunes teachings you adhere too

    Does this apply to exotic weapons too? I am working on a dwarf alchemist/warpriest whose family sent him to study with the gnomes I am wondering if I need to take the gun chemist archetype, or can I get proficiency with firearms from the warpriest side?

    Grand Lodge

    Yes, though for Fire Arms and Exotics it is only one weapon.

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