Iron Gods full map pack ZIP

Iron Gods

Finishing up with the Iron Gods Adventure Path as a GM, it's been a long ride. I figured I should share the maps that I've used in running the game so that others can use them; all Books 1-6 are covered. sharing

The overwhelming majority of the maps in this pack are of my own design, made using Other World Mapper.

The only maps I didn't make were the maps for Scrapwall, but I included them in this zip file for your convenience. Here's the link for those maps that I used instead of made.

Also included in this pack are some maps that aren't in the books, but I felt were necessary (i.e. Silverdisk Hall, an optional Crew Deck under Black Hill, the optional buried ship Dusklight that the PCs could refurbish and use as a low-hovering base of operations, a handout of the wolverine hide map for Book 3, and the Lotus Eater village in Book 6)

If you are running the Iron Gods AP, I wish you good gaming, and enjoy the maps.

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