ABP, weapon degradation, and survivalist vibes

Quest for the Frozen Flame

A lot of folks use ABP for this adventure. My players voted by a slim majority not to, but they also don't have anyone with Magical Crafting. (They probably didn't realize they'd need it.) When they found the ghost touch rune at Gleaming Sun Lake, I added a +1 rune as well. I then decided someone in the following could probably do the transfer, and let it happen while the following was on the move to boot.

But if we are handwaving that NPCs can move runes for you and I'm adding extra runes anyway, that kind of undercuts the point. I'm considering alternatives. One I kinda like: use ABP, but on a natural 1 (or general critical failure strike?) your weapon takes its own damage. This would reflect the Following having more primitive, less durable weapon material and would force people to swap weapons if one was broken or destroyed. Property runes (like ghost touch) could maybe be salvaged from a destroyed weapon but would need to be re-etched onto a new one, which takes time.

What do folks think?

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