Nualia + Malfeshnekor combat

Rise of the Runelords

TL;DR Suggestions for an epic encounter
upgraded Nualia + Malfeshnekor + minions VS four level 3-4 PCs and some Sandpoint NPCs.
My PCs have discovered that Nualia is still alive. I am going to start a countdown: if they don't stop her before time X, whatever ritual is needed gets completed, she releases Malfeshnekor (Lamashtu helps with that) and advances in her transformation into a demon. I am inclined for this to happen to get an epic end of chapter so perhaps no timer and I'll just fiat it.

I want evolved Nualia + Malfeshnekor + minions to be too hard a threat for the PCs to face alone, so that some NPCs will have to join in.
The plot would go like this: once Malfeshnekor is released and bound to Nualia the goblins near Sandpoint recognise Nualia as their god, maybe thinking she is an avatar of Lamashtu, and amass at her command. PCs or Sandpoint NPCs realise the situation, but it's already too late for a full on attack as too many goblins have gathered under her command. She is going to come to raid Sandpoint soon, so the only hope is to anticipate her and send in a small commando to eliminate the barghest and Nualia. With their god killed the goblins will surely scatter.

How do I build an interesting, (very) hard but not impossible encounter? This should play like an epic chapter finale. Death of multiple PCs and/or significant NPCs should be a very concrete possibility - the start of a new chapter is a good point to reroll a PC if needs be.

My players are not expert (neither am I, first time GMing) but two of them have some previous experience. I am thinking of having a minimum of one and a maximum of five NPCs join the fight as PC allies. That way each of us (at a maximum) can play an allied NPC in the fight. NPCs will probably be at a higher level than PCs and I am fine with that. Please help me build this encounter so that I don't completely mess up the balance.

Nualia side
upgraded Nualia (haven't decided how to upgrade her yet, and suggestions are very welcome, but perhaps half-fiend template)
Malfeshnekor (maybe upgraded to a greater barghest)
Whatever sensible minions you want to include (goblin chiefs, mercenaries, yeth hounds, whatever Lamashtu touched thing you like to come up with...)

PCs side
Four PCs (cleric, bard, sorcerer, fighter) at level 3, or possibly 4.
Minimum 1 maximum 5 NPCs, preferably among the named ones from Sandpoint. NPC which I think would volunteer to go include (statblocks for them are given in RoTR or the Sandpoint setting book) Belor Hemlock (fighter 4), Shalelu Andosana (fighter 2/ranger 4), Ameiko Kaijitsu (aristocrat1/bard 3/rogue 1), Cyrdak Drokkus (bard 6), Abstalar Zantus (cleric 4), Risa Magravi (sorcerer 4) but feel free to recommend others.

Silver Crusade

Have you already done this encounter?

For some reasons I don't get notifications when something is posted...

No I have not, and given that Erylium has recently almost wiped out my party perhaps I shouldn't...
In their partial defence they did nothing for a few suspicious rounds in which nothing was happening except invisible Erylium had left the cathedral to gather all her remaining allies. At that point there were Erylium two sinspawns and Koruvus and things got nasty

Areelu wrote:

How do I build an interesting, (very) hard but not impossible encounter? This should play like an epic chapter finale. Death of multiple PCs and/or significant NPCs should be a very concrete possibility - the start of a new chapter is a good point to reroll a PC if needs be.

My players are not expert (neither am I, first time GMing) but two of them have some previous experience. I am thinking of having a minimum of one and a maximum of five NPCs join the fight as PC allies. That way each of us (at a maximum) can play an allied NPC in the fight. NPCs will probably be at a higher level than PCs and I am fine with that. Please help me build this encounter so that I don't completely mess up the balance.

Three reasons to not do this.

1) As a first-time GM, running a large encounter with multiple mobs of different types (even classes) is a lot to handle until you are more experienced. You also said only 2 players have prior experience so adding one NPC each to the other players might result in forgetting key abilities of the NPCs during this battle royal which could mean life and death.

2) Although you know your players more than I do, some might actually like their current characters. Ramping up difficulty this high for level 3-4 PCs, regardless of the allied NPCs will be deadly depending on how you handle it. If the Barghest attacks a low level PC focusing on them, Nualia's channeling or a key failed save vs Shatter on your main martial type, the Yeth Hound's fear bomb... things could go south very quickly for them.

3) Sandpoint gets raided in book 4 anyway by some iconic enemies (Giants/Dragons) and NPCs could be handled by the players. By that time they'll have half an APs worth of experience and may be able to manage better. I'd say be patient, wait for this instead.

Ultimately, you know what you like as a GM. You SHOULD have an idea what the players like, if not find out. :)
Good luck and happy gaming.

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Sunderstone wrote:

Three reasons to not do this.

1) As a first-time GM, running a large encounter with multiple mobs of different types (even classes) is a lot to handle until you are more experienced. You also said only 2 players have prior experience so adding one NPC each to the other players might result in forgetting key abilities of the NPCs during this battle royal which could mean life and death.

2) Although you know your players more than I do, some might actually like their current characters. Ramping up difficulty this high for level 3-4 PCs, regardless of the allied NPCs will be deadly depending on how you handle it. If the Barghest attacks a low level PC focusing on them, Nualia's channeling or a key failed save vs Shatter on your main martial type, the Yeth Hound's fear bomb... things could go south very quickly for them.

3) Sandpoint gets raided in book 4 anyway by some iconic enemies (Giants/Dragons) and NPCs could be handled by the players. By that time they'll have half an APs worth of experience and may be able to manage better. I'd say be patient, wait for this instead.

Ultimately, you know what you like as a GM. You SHOULD have an idea what the players like, if not find out. :)
Good luck and happy gaming.

You make good points and you're right that it would easily become overwhelming! And still I'm tempted. I think my players enjoy a good story and interesting combat where the outcome is uncertain, so it could fly by them. I'll see how Thistletop goes and then decide. And probably give them a good chance to stop Nualia from completing the ritual in any case.

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