Making Evangelist / Exalted / Sentinel Boons for Haggakal Worshippers (1E)

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey there. Gotten neck deep into Pathfinder 1E again, and I’m back to redrafting a homebrew idea involving the bad guys worshipping the lesser deity that is Haggakal, Father Moon, patron god of the ogres. Wanting to expand stuff on Haggakal, here’s all I know of him:

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Areas of Concern: Darkness, inbreeding, ogres
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength
Subdomains: Demon, Ferocity, Moon, Nightmare

One thing I want to work on is make NPCs with class levels in the prestige classes of evangelist, exalted, or sentinel…but I’m not 100% sure how to work in the boons for said prestige classes for Father Moon. I’m also trying to think of what kind of higher level gear would be appropriate for worshippers of a little known god. I’m open to get some ideas, opinions and suggestions.

(P.S. if this seems familiar, this is the same guy who tried to expand on Haggakal in general some years ago.)

Maybe borrowing from Lamashtu's boons, as there is some overlap in domains. A potential 3rd boon could be gaining the ogrekin template. The deformity list could also be used for 2nd boons (for example to replace the options for the teratoma demonic/fiendish boon). Half-ogre template isn't as extreme with the ability scores if ogrekin seems to powerful.

A barbarian 5/sentinel 9 with ogrekin template and a mask of giants
can finally by the ogre they truly want to be.

1: Giant Terror (Sp) cause fear 3/day, scare 2/day, or fear 1/day
2: Maddening Thoughts (Su) Your mind constantly swirls with dark whispers and disturbing thoughts. You gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting (compulsion) spells and effects and against divination spells and effects that attempt to read your thoughts. Anyone who targets you with such a spell or effect must succeed at a Will saving throw (with a DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier + 1/2 your Hit Dice) or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage.
3: Ogre Transformation (Ex) Your devotion is rewarded by gaining the ogrekin template.

I grok do u wrote:

Maybe borrowing from Lamashtu's boons, as there is some overlap in domains. A potential 3rd boon could be gaining the ogrekin template. The deformity list could also be used for 2nd boons (for example to replace the options for the teratoma demonic/fiendish boon). Half-ogre template isn't as extreme with the ability scores if ogrekin seems to powerful.

A barbarian 5/sentinel 9 with ogrekin template and a mask of giants
can finally by the ogre they truly want to be.

1: Giant Terror (Sp) cause fear 3/day, scare 2/day, or fear 1/day
2: Maddening Thoughts (Su) Your mind constantly swirls with dark whispers and disturbing thoughts. You gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting (compulsion) spells and effects and against divination spells and effects that attempt to read your thoughts. Anyone who targets you with such a spell or effect must succeed at a Will saving throw (with a DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier + 1/2 your Hit Dice) or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage.
3: Ogre Transformation (Ex) Your devotion is rewarded by gaining the ogrekin template.

that might be a good idea, considering the expanded lore I’m gonna give to Haggakal, he is the son of Lamashtu and a giant god. for evangelist I was thinking the boons be abilities that buff barbarians as a whole, while with exalted, boons that add to the DC of fear spells.

thinking more I wanted to give the following to the evangelist, specifically evangelist that goes with barbarian (as every evangelist boon seems to specifically boost abilities for certain classes)

Boon 2: Wrathful Casting
Your devotion to Father Moon grants you spellcasting even at the peak of your rage. While raging, you can still cast spells. In addition, spells with the evoker school or fear subschool have their DCs increase by 2 when you rage.

Boon 3: Demonic Champion
While raging, you gain immunity to one elemental damage type of your choice, DR 10/good, and spell resistance equal to your total hit dice + 15. This stacks with other sources of damage immunity and reduction, but not with other sources of spell resistance.

for exalted, wasn’t sure which would be better for boon 2 or 3, but here’s one boon idea:
Ogre’s Fury
You gain the rage class feature, treating your total class level as barbarian levels, with the following exceptions:
-instead of +2 to Strength and Constitution, you gain +2 to Constitution and either Intelligence or Charisma. The bonuses gained to Intelligence or Charisma do not increase your amount of spells per day, but they do increase the DC of your spells.
-you gain a +2 deflection bonus to your AC. this stacks with deflection bonus to AC from other sources.
-you gain immunity to charm effects, emotion based effects, and magical sleep.

it needs some fine tuning of course.

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