
Hell's Vengeance


as a player who has now been mostly through it, I have to confess I have concerns about the encounter design.

We went in with a party of Antipaladin/Oracle, Skald/Swashbuckler, Witch, Cleric. Fairly optimized, but not having much in ranged combat.

Losoni either needs a plot based nerf, or plot based reasons to act stupidly.
If played intelligently, he will simply wreck any level 3 party, on his own, with limited counterplay.

There are several reasons for this:

--DC16 entangle at will is a massive area of effect
--If identified, players will assume him to be a ranged combatant, and their melees will advance
--At which points he move action teleports to the probably entangled backline and simply starts killing them, as the frontline struggles to get back into the fight with him.
--Something cathes him? Clonal tree stride out.
--Something fights him? Hah, dodging panache is rather hard to hit at level 3 while you are most likely entangled.
--There is also no indication whatsorever, prior to arriving, that there will be a super dryad, so its not like you would prep much for it.

--Essentially, if a player would play Losoni, and the DM would play the party, it would be TPK time 9 times out of 10.

Remove his advanced template
Reduce his swashbuckler levels to 1, so he doesnt have charmed life.
Have a buildup, for example, have there be reports that a soldiers of the archbaron sent first got rekt by it. If the party shows up with a lot of fire, and some cold iron weapons, they may have a chance.

The third one is probably the better one, but seriously, that thing is a strong CR6, a CR7 easily if played to the max.

His one failure state is breaking or stealing his weapon. The most common way to do that, grease, barely works due to his save + charmed live, and very few builds have sunder or disarm available at level 3.

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