Ruffian Sneak Attack

Organized Play General Discussion


The Ruffian class feature states that the can sneak attack with Martial
Weapons as long as the base damage dice is no larger than a d6…my question is if using a Pick with the Fatal d10 trait would you still get your sneak attack dice on a crit?
I would assume yes but I can see some excessively pedantic folks disagreeing

1/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

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I've seen a whole lot of people ask that, so you definitely aren't the only one who wants it to work. It doesn't, though. The determination of whether Ruffian sneak attack applies is made after modifying the die size.

It doesn't work when two-handing a D6 weapon with Two-Hand D10, like a katana.
It doesn't work on a Fatal crit rolling D10s.
It doesn't work if Dual Handed Assault brings a scimitar Strike up to D8.
It does work if you are one-handing a lance with the Jousting trait bringing it down to D6.
It does work for a Leshy using Grasping Reach with a Dancer Spear and bringing it down to a D6.

It really is as simple as "Are you rolling D8s, D10s or D12s right now? If the answer is yes, don't roll Sneak Attack dice"

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

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I'd also recommend against throwing shade towards people who might disagree with your interpretation, it rarely sets a good tone and often will prejudice people against your message regardless of factual basis.

However as Hammerjack laid out I'm afraid it doesn't work;

Apply any abilities that alter the damage die size first.


Hmmm….very underwhelming class ability then. thief racket so much better.. Precision Rangers have no such restriction..

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Interestingly, while Fatal doesn't work well with it, Deadly isn't hindered.

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

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Unklbuck wrote:
Hmmm….very underwhelming class ability then. thief racket so much better.. Precision Rangers have no such restriction..

Very much not the case, it doesn't work with a very small group of weapons but is an absolutely fantastic ability overall and the changes open up a whole world of new, very cool options.

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