Hilary Moon Murphy Contributor |
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Hello All,
I'm the author of Heidmarch Heist, and I'm happy to answer any questions that GMs might have for running this scenario. Thanks to my amazing developer, Josh Foster, this mystery adventure turned out so well. I GMed three author tables of it at SkalCon last weekend, and it was so much fun watching my players try to figure out what was going on.
I created a folder with some extras if GMs want to look through them: Heidmarch Heist Handouts
The most useful thing in there is a copy of the Map of Heidmarch Manor that I used when writing this adventure, but there are also treasure sheets with descriptions of some of the stuff found in the adventure. I also created versions of the handouts that I find a bit more readable and attractive if you have access to a good color printer.
Some cool tips: If you can, run the Old Fang fight on two levels with a separate area for the underwater fight. You can do this with two side-by-side flipmats. I literally ran one level on top of the other with a raised platform, and that turned out great.
My other piece of advice is position bad guys on top of crates or in the loft to make the warehouse fight feel multi-level as well.
Happy sleuthing, Everyone!
Sebastjen1980 |
I had already played this scenario once (Hightier). In itself a nice scenario, but felt the final battle a bit too easy. Especially since the already weak thieves (CR 5 against level 7 and 8 PC in the Hightier) were weakened again absolutely safe. In the chase before, you can't even take more than 9 turns, so the weak henchmen are actually automatically made even weaker in the final fight. Too bad, because the fight actually has potential to be interesting.
Soon I will lead it myself (probably also Hightier), let's see if something will change. I think but rather not.
Otherwise, the scenario is but nicely varied, has many elements that offer variety, super! The problem with the far too easy fights has one in my opinion since Season 3 felt in every adventure ;-)
Sebastjen1980 |
Asking around the lodge: What is the DC for the diplomacy or society checks to hear further testimony from a variety of lodge members?
Searching the Brakrakhan House Dorm: What is the DC for the perception checks to find the hints in the different rooms? And the DC for the society and underworld lore check (Tagheemas Room)?
Hilary Moon Murphy Contributor |
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Heidmarch Heist Investigation DCs
The Heidmarchs have tasked the PCs with investigating the theft at Heidmarch Manor. This investigation should feel free form in that the PCs can tackle subjects of this investigation in any order, but they earn Investigation Points throughout. Be generous with the skills you allow PCs to use for this investigation; if a PC suggests a plausible non-Lore skill they wish to substitute, allow them to attempt it but raise the DC by 2. Unless otherwise noted, the DC for named skills is 20 unless otherwise noted (DC 23 for levels 7–8), and the DC of Perception checks is 22 (DC 25 for levels 7–8). PCs can also substitute a relevant Lore skill, which instead has a DC of 18 (DC 21 for levels 7–8).
Monkhound |
The scenario looks cool. A few questions though:
1- In the chase, how exactly do the leaves in de parade act as Heroism scrolls? Is Heroism immediately cast on everyone who succeeds, or does everyone who succeeds get a scroll of heroism to be used at a later stage?
2- How long does it take PC's to get from scene to scene during the chase?
Hilary Moon Murphy Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
1. Every PC who succeeds at the Reflex save gets a leaf-shaped Heroism scroll that can be used at a later stage.
2. How long does it take to travel?
Counting Chase Rounds: As the chase progresses, count the number of chase rounds it takes the PCs to overcome the obstacles. Add 1 chase round to their total if all of the PCs failed their initial Perception or Survival check to represent Krosovahn's head start. The PCs might choose to stop to Treat Wounds, Refocus, or perform another 10 minute activity. If they do, add 1 chase round to the total.
If a ten-minute activity costs the PCs a round of the chase, assume that the distance between scenes is at least 10 minutes. (Which is the most conservative estimate. The PCs are running between bordering neighborhoods in a city that was never built for the automobile and has no public transit.)
As an aside, I wrote this whole chase scene while staring at a map of Magnimar, trying to make certain that the order of locations made geographic as well as story sense.
Hilary Moon Murphy Contributor |
I am sorry that I missed these questions. Tidepool and Ocean Dream don't know much about what's going on, but they do know they've been asked to take out some people -- and it doesn't fully sit well with them. They're not fully hardened criminals yet.
I had not thought about how deep the water was, but it is close to shore. Deep enough that the creatures can swim? Let's say 20 feet deep?