Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West

Video Games

Hey all.
I discovered the first game when it was on sale at Steam recently for £ 13.99 (apparently $ 16 in the US) for the PC. Finished it today. Well worth it, but has somethings I don't like, eg the platform/climbing aspects and the training areas (for those with teenage reflexes). Overall, loved the game.

I understand that the second game in the series (Horizon Forbidden West) was released on the Playstation early last year and a third game will be released in 2027, so it's quite likely that these two games will be available on PC in 2025 and 2030 respectively, perhaps.

Looking at a review of the second game, they said that they found the climbing in that game even worse!? If anyone has played it, can they offer an opinion (on all of it, not just the climbing).

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