Broken PDF

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I bought the lost omen highhelm pdf and It keeps giving me a 0kb file even after waiting for a long time for it to personalize. Other files personalize fine its just that one book. Is there something on my end I need to do to fix the download?

I have the same issue since Friday, the date I bought the Rage of Elements and Highhelm.
For Rage of Elements no problem to download and access the PDF, but for Highhelm it's the same as you.

I sent a ticket to the customer support about it.

Email customer service.

Nice to know I'm not the only one having this problem with Highhelm.

I emailed customer service on Thursday. I haven't heard back yet (other than the automatic reply), but I figured they were probably busy with GenCon.

My downloads are 143 bytes for the "single file" (which unzips into a 0k PDF that doesn't open) and 157 bytes for the "file per chapter" (which unzips into a single 0k PDF for pages 120-136 that likewise doesn't open).

I've purchased four other PDFs, and they all downloaded fine (I got Rage of Elements and snagged three books from the 23% off sale). It is just Highhelm that seems to be the problem for some reason.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It looks like they had a good PDF of Highhelm at one point but replaced it with a new empty version. I hope they fix it soon.

I checked this morning and the issue with my Highhelm downloaded have been corrected.

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Customer service just got back with me and said they fixed the problem, and yes, I am able to download and unzip the files successfully.

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