Mightypion |
I have run a fairly interesting optional encounter in act 1.
Essentially, the Nyserian manor still stands, and as the players approach they hear clear and loud feminine cursing in Abyssal.
Informing someone else in the room that
"You dare summon a blade of midnight? And offer her a demon pox ridden boy as a sacrifice? Do you bug-buggering goat-groomers even properly understand the gravity of your insult?"
Then something in the rooms drops and the same voice says:
"Oh, how hilarious, you didnt properly secure your sacrfice, and now it kicked over a candle! Boy, I grant thee partial credit for 9" Stabbing sound "I mean 8 annoying bug-buggering-goat-grooming cultists"
The party bursts in, and has a chaotic fight between cultists of Baphomet and Deskari, a priest of Deskari and a Succubus swashbuckler. There is also a tied up boy that needs rescueing.
It led to some pretty interesting roleplay, especially because the party, level 3 at that time, failed to in character recognice the Succubus (who had her wings bat wings outstreched, horns visible and shouting "midnight eternal has come for you" as a battlecry) as a Succubus. The parties Paladin thought she was a very skilled thiefling, and also didnt recognice the religious nocticulan heraldry she was wearing. The Succubus rolled a nat one on her sense motive, and actually believe the Paladin was making a really elaborate plausible deniability ploy "because Paladins are weird", which she actually approved of.
The demoness was rather amused at the whole thing, answered some questions not entirely wrongly,
and setup a bunch of plot threads for acts 2,3 and 4. Before teleporting out and informing the players who seemed receptive to her that praying to "Lady Nocticula, breaker of restraint(s)" is one way to get out of a prison.

Mightypion |
Look, I may have a thing for femme fatales :).
Something else I did was give the Kellids a more significant role, and highlight some genuine bad things the crusaders did during the third crusade, resulting in some kellids ending up in exile in...
Alyushinyrra, serving as loyal shock troops for one of Nocticulas vasalls. The vasall of Nocticula was an OC Succubus who was on the cusp of becoming a nascent demonlord of dealmaking, prisonbreaks and trade (the party made a quick stopover in Axis to "settle some paperwork" for her, eventually solving it in the style of Asterix and Obelix). She was also somewhat confused by the Kellids being genuinely loyal to her.
Obviously, the Kellids were exceedingly pleased when Nocticula selected them to be part of her "expeditionary force on Golarion" in act 5. The inquisition meanwhile was utterly shocked.

Stip |
thats really good. I’ve dramatically accelerated the timeline in my campaign - making it clear that the end of the world is underway, that the demons have been toying with the crusades, etc. As the players enter the ineluctable prison deskari’s armies are about to obliterate numeria and nerosyan. by the time of the book vi assault in drezen it will be the last free population center in the larger region

Mightypion |
You could have the technic league have an explosive heel face turn and do a "NO YOU CANT HAVE OUR STUFF BUGFACE" and detonate a nuke. Which stops the Deskarites.
For about 3 days or so.
And makes Diurez Broodlord both mad and super strong, hej, if someone gets super powers from getting nuked its him.

Stip |
You could have the technic league have an explosive heel face turn and do a "NO YOU CANT HAVE OUR STUFF BUGFACE" and detonate a nuke. Which stops the Deskarites.
For about 3 days or so.
And makes Diurez Broodlord both mad and super strong, hej, if someone gets super powers from getting nuked its him.
i do plan to have a large portion of numeria nuked - it would be interesting to have broodlord leading those troops - i could buff his swarms. ill think on it. i am writing that cutscene this weekend
players just entered ivory labyrinth