Missing links to PF(1) FAQs, etc.?

Website Feedback

I went looking for the Pathfinder (first edition) FAQs, but could not find any functional links. All that I could find was PF2 FAQs (useless in this case) and the Legacy FAQs for PFS (irrelevant in this case).

Luckily, I still have a bookmark saved for the PF FAQs and that still works.

Please make those links available again to more than just those who have saved bookmarks.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Try clicking that word "Help" in the upper right corner of any page of this website....

David knott 242 wrote:

Try clicking that word "Help" in the upper right corner of any page of this website....

Okay, that works. Thank you for the tip. :)

However, it feels counter-intuitive to me, as I'm not looking for website help but the FAQs for a specific game.

Plus it doesn't address the missing links from the PF CRB's own page in the webstore. Not the missing links from the other PF rulebook pages. (The ones which should be under the "FAQ and Updates" tab.)

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