Charity Bundle for Owen Stephens

Product Discussion

Grand Lodge

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Samurai Sheepdog sent out a request back in April for people to come and submit entries for a charity bundle for Owen Stephens, who is currently battling cancer. Myself and many others wrote up boss encounters for Pathfinder 1e, Pathfinder 2e, Starfinder, Cypher System, 5e, and OSRIC. That bundle is being released today, and will have periodic updates as more is added to it.

Please consider donating. If you can't, please share this around so that others can donate and share. Every bit helps.

Charity Bundle

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Everyone at Legendary Games is definitely all in on supporting Owen in this trying time! This bundle is a fantastic value if you just want some awesome boss battles, and it helps out one of the best people you might ever have the good fortune to meet in or out of the gaming community. LG regulars Connor Bates and Matt Daley both contributed material for this book, and I'm trying to find time to add another piece myself. There's an expanded version already in progress, set to release in July, so you even get MORE amazing stuff as we go along!

If you can, by all means please do grab this terrific book!

Grand Lodge

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The bundle is thankfully seeing good results. Already hit the Copper Best Seller. Thank you to those of you who have helped out so far.

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