How much chance is there that Daggerheart is a pf2e fork?

Other RPGs

Long term campaign and character progression are hallmarks of pf2e after all.

Pipe dream I know but it's not impossible.

A "dramatic storytelling" game says to me that this'll be something far removed from the d20 chassis... hopefully.

Starfinder Superscriber

...are we talking about the Darrington Press game? If so, what does that have to do with Paizo, if anything?

Seems pretty clear it has nothing to do with PF2e.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Leon Aquilla wrote:
...are we talking about the Darrington Press game? If so, what does that have to do with Paizo, if anything?

Arguably, the point of the 'other RPG's' tag is that it specifically includes RPG's that don't necessarily have anything to do with either Paizo or that other big-name RPG company...

As to what it might have to do with Paizo...
Well, the original poster inquired as to the likelihood of it potentially making use of the PF2 mechanics. In addition, anecdotally, my understanding is that the original Critical Role Campaign actually started out as a home game run by Matt Mercer using Pathfinder 1st ed. So...
That is what it might have to do with Paizo.

To the OP...

Personally, I'd rather see a new non-level based Fantasy System. There have been a number of, in my opinion, quite good systems out there, that don't get enough attention, that don't hew to the 'ding, fries are done!' levelling mentality, but most people don't know about them because D&D is, was, and always shall be, a level based system, so anything that doesn't do that is just 'too out there!'.

If Darrington Press, with it's association with Critical Role, were to publish a good skill-based or similar system, and especially if Critical Role were to actually use it in a Campaign or two, that would go a long way to promoting alternative rules systems in the pastime.

Dark Archive

I suspect Daggerheart will be highly optimized for live-streaming games. There could be room for the depth and options of character creation Pathfinder 2e has. But the dice rolling will likely use the most simple rules possible. Rolling 12d6 for damage isn't good for how they play the game live. Likely very limited use of bonuses or adjustments to rolls that have to be calculated live during gameplay. This is assuming they still use real dice to play the game.

Ashbourne wrote:
I suspect Daggerheart will be highly optimized for live-streaming games. There could be room for the depth and options of character creation Pathfinder 2e has. But the dice rolling will likely use the most simple rules possible. Rolling 12d6 for damage isn't good for how they play the game live. Likely very limited use of bonuses or adjustments to rolls that have to be calculated live during gameplay. This is assuming they still use real dice to play the game.

Be very shocked if they move away from real dice. Long calculations, involving forgetting and then adding in modifiers or just adding up piles of dice, do slow things down and dilute the drama, but the physical dice rolling, as long as it's quick, adds tension and they often play it up.

In very similar ways to how so many of us do.

More generally, I'd expect them to stay pretty close to the D&D mold. It's worked well for them for a long time. Tweak it a bit sure. Bring it a little closer to Matt's GMing style. All the things any long time GM wants
to fix in a system.

It's a big risk though, assuming they do switch to it for a main campaign. And what's the point if they don't?

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