Nicolas Logue's "The Red Raven"

Streaming & Actual Play General Discussion


Aloha Paizo Fans,

Loooooooooong time! My day job as Professor and Education Coordinator at Hawai'i Conservatory of Performing Arts has kept me out of the online game scene for awhile, but I'm breaking back in (don't call it a comeback!) with a very exciting live-streamed actual play of a new adventure - all to raise money for a good cause.

The event is called "The Red Raven" and its streaming 9am - 4pm Hawai'i Standard Time on Sunday April 2nd (this coming Sunday).

You can find out more here: Red Raven

Definitely watch the video - it's good fun.

But if you want the skinny - I'm running an adventure for some awesome celebrity guests who are playing alongside my students on live stream, and we'll be raising money for scholarships and production costs.

"Though she be but little, she is fierce" - Midsummer Night's Dream

Our tiny college's brand new conservatory is small, but we broke onto the scene last month by winning the highest honor in the nation for theatre education - the Kennedy Center Gold Medallion. We took 18 students to a festival to perform our original show "Demigods Anonymous" written by one of alumni (who got offered a tv writing slot immediately when we won this award - off and running - couldn't be more proud)!

We have almost no institutional support (we are home-grown program) and our students are drawn from the most impoverished and underserved parts of Oahu. People like to think of Hawai'i as paradise, but our students have a different experience out here, and our conservatory is a crucial life-line that gives them a shot a serious career.

"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."
-Merchant of Venice

If you want to watch me GM for some crazy awesome celebrities, and throw in a few gold pieces (or sp or cp, every bit helps) to support our hard-working servants, I'd be so grateful, and I think you'll deeply enjoy the adventure.

The Twitch and Youtube pages will go up on the crowdfunding site I posted above on Wednesday, the game starts at 9am HST on Sunday April 2nd.

Hope to see some of you there! Hit me up here with any questions. Good to be back on the boards!

Oh wow.

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