The Walking Dead Universe RPG

Other RPGs

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
In The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game you will play the part of individuals struggling to survive in the hostile and unforgiving world known from the TV series. The challenges you face are never trivial, and they can appear from just about anywhere – from the lack of essential supplies, from conflicts brewing within the group, from hidden construction flaws in your safe haven, or from an approaching herd of walkers hungering for your flesh and blood.

Free League is at it once again, this time with a Kickstarter for The Walking Dead Universe. The Kickstarter went live this week and it is already funded. Thirteen stretch goals are unlocked and more are on the horizon with nineteen days remaining.

The RPG is set in the world of the AMC TV shows, not the comics or other media. It will have both cinematic and campaign modes, similar to their Alien RPG. The rules will include how to develop and protect your haven, from both dead and living opponents. Also included is a solo mode and support for Foundry VTT.

I have already backed this as I am loving all of the Free League RPGs I have played so far (Alien, The One Ring, with Blade Runner owned and to be played soon).

How about you folks, are you interested in backing and playing?

Kickstarter link

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