The Basilisk

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Some of my players do like the idea of some downtime sports. So, they‘re interested in playing the Basilisk. Unfortunately, the description in the travel guide is not only vague, but also contradictory.

If one looks at the illustration of the Basilisk player, several issues arise:

They are carrying a 12“ ball, called the Basilisk ball and a Scoop, that‘s supposed to „catch and throw a basilisk ball“. But the Basilisk is obviously by far to big to fit in the Scoop. Furthermore, they‘ve got their visor down, indicating they‘re carrying the 8“ Scoring ball, which is nowhere to be seen.

So, either they confused the two balls, and the bigger one is actually the scoring ball, or the illustration is just a complete mess up.

Has anyone tried and implemented the game in their campaign, and if so, how?

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