Pre Gen Con gaming in Indianapolis!

Local Play

Sovereign Court 1/5 **** Venture-Captain, Indiana—Indianapolis

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Hi all,

I am working on setting up some pre Gen Con gaming on the Wednesday prior to Gen Con, August 2nd. I am looking for Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder scenario requests. Please DM me with any specific scenarios you would like to see ran. We have 4 tables with 2 slots, so 8 total games. First slot will be from 11:30am ro 4pm and the second slot will be 4:30pm to 9pm. Location will be Good Games in downtown Indianapolis about 2 blocks from the Convention center. Also, looking for volunteers GMs for these games. Once I have a good list of scenarios and GM volunteers I will create a Warhorn and share that link. Thanks in advance!
Feel free to share this in any of your local communities as well.

I am interested in playing. I don't have any specific scenarios as I am new to Organized Play. I have 29 years of RPG experience though as I started playing at nine years of age.

Sovereign Court 1/5 **** Venture-Captain, Indiana—Indianapolis

As a reminder, and maybe for those who weren't able to get tickets to the PFS or SFS scenarios they wanted. We'll be doing some Pre-Gen gaming at Good Games just a couple blocks from the Convention center on the Wednesday before Gen Con. Still need GMs for 3 slots but the other 5 tables are open for player sign-ups.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Questions, why are the tables setup for only 5 players?

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