FolkOccult |
Hello! I'm entirely new to Paizo, fresh out of DnDBeyond (been playing since around 2006, 3.5) and looking to ask some questions. I've found Reddit helpful, but not to a degree that has directly assisted me with some concerns I've had over the health of my upcoming campaign which looks less and less likely to actually occur.
My first question, and probably the most applicable: is this the best place to proceed with these questions, as they pertain to WotC's OGL and content I wish to one day stream using Paizo's PF 2E system. I wish to eventually subscribe to Demiplane and support Paizo now that my players and myself have found ourselves without a "home" to safely role-play through without constant fear of being controlled under a corporate dogma more or less taking away the freedom this game once had.
I'll refrain from asking other questions before proceeding, if this isn't the correct location to create such a thread, I'd love to know where. I'm on the edge of my seat trying to host a campaign featuring cosmic horror within the Greyhawk setting with 3.5 inspired homebrew mechanics (which PF 2E fully supports and still uses, flat footed, will, fort, and reflex saves, etc.); but I'm not even sure if I stream this campaign if I'm even allowed to write or utter names like "Greyhawk" anymore, if I can utter the God-Lich's name aloud from this day forth. I'm not sure if I can even use Gary Gygax's calendar and holidays for special setting locations. I truly want to know where the line is and what I can and cannot use.

BretI |

I'm on the edge of my seat trying to host a campaign featuring cosmic horror within the Greyhawk setting with 3.5 inspired homebrew mechanics (which PF 2E fully supports and still uses, flat footed, will, fort, and reflex saves, etc.); but I'm not even sure if I stream this campaign if I'm even allowed to write or utter names like "Greyhawk" anymore, if I can utter the God-Lich's name aloud from this day forth. I'm not sure if I can even use Gary Gygax's calendar and holidays for special setting locations. I truly want to know where the line is and what I can and cannot use.
All of Greyhawk was copyrighted or trademarked by TSR. I believe those rights are now held by WotC.
In terms of the OGL, I believe these would be considered Product Identify and the OGL does not give any distribution rights to those. See section (e) of the OGL where they spell out Product Identity.
These are my understanding as a layman.