Mightypion |
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Hi, this is in character for my Spell warrior/Fractured mind who just entered the Dreamlands.
Session 02.12.2022.
"This is the journal of Viktor Skuggason, Spellwarrior of Sarkoris, Fractured mind, on a cursed quest. At least this is who I believe to be. My comrades are Almeja the Shaman, Silas the inquisitor, and Ardren Occultist. Obviously also Viktoria my phantom. May those who find this journal benefit from it. I must not write the cursed name."
"The strange ritual worked, we venture into the dreamlands to follow the tracks of the vile Count Lowls. We have arrived in a desert, close to our first destination. A caravansery. And I am not fool enough to deem it abandoned. Almost immidiatly, we found a potent weapon. A scimitar infused with Vorpal powers. My Phantom is giddy with exitement, flies around and makes jokes about me being a "Budget-Balor". I do not know why she even knows what a Balor is, but her being linked with my subconciousness probably explain this. My thoughts are heavy, if such weaponry is simply abandoned, what does this tell of the resources available to our adversaries in this strange place?"
"We fought our first foe, a cursed echo of a thief pretending to be a shopkeeper, it chose to attack us, focusing on our shaman and afflicting him with its curse, it was hard to hit for my phantom, whose flurry of infused attacks did not manage to hit it, alas our Inquistor Silas struck a mightly blow with his greatsword, praise be the Lord in Iron, and it then wasted its turn trying to pull us into deep slumber, even though we protected by the spell our Almeja, our Shaman put. We were narrowly able to end it with our united forces before it could touch one of us again."

Mightypion |
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My journey continued, we ventured further, gaining entrance to a hall that may have once been a lively tavern, alive with things I would have drawn my blade against in an instant, such as ghouls or nighthags.
The music combined into a vile song of discord, on that effected my Phantom, thankfully, all others of use were able to leave the room, hiding behind Ardren and his occult tower shield, as he barred my crazed copilot her extry.
Our inqusitor and Shaman succesfully blasted the haunt with enough positive energy to overcome it, and we found a decanter of endless water.
I set to work with it, restoring the various pools we had found, but mere moment later, we are in for the fight of our lives.
In a strange former bath, a vile formless spawn rose to annhilate us.
We fortunately spotted it as it manifested, and got several important spells up.
I managed to begin my weapon song, invoking both the Abyss (Fiend totem lesser) and heaven (celestial blood lesser) to do battle against this, only to see that the vile thing was not even an outsider! The fire and ice with which I enchanted our weaponry was more useful thankfully! Adren casted haste, and the wise almaeja protected us from its evil.
My beautifull Phantom went first, unleashing a furious flurry of attack, pledging eternal and vicious death to all tentacles and striking the thing with heavy blows, while our allies struck as well, the malovelent alien intelligence of the formless spawn knew who the greatest threat was, and would have swalloed my Phantom whole, If I hadnt cunningly placed a grease spell on her.
Almeja was able to heal her somewhat, and another flurry from her, added witht he contributions of other members, was just narrowly enough to end the things existence.
We had prevailed once more.
Finding nothing of value in the room, we ventured upwards. Were we encountered the King in Yellow.
OOC: If your gm allows you to take phantom ally multiple times (which mine does), so you basically pay half your feats to have your phantom keep advancning, spell warrior is kind of a better spiritualist then a spiritualist in terms of buffing the phantom to the gills.

Mightypion |
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My comrades alas are becoming mistrustfull over my phantoms tendency to shout "DEATH TO TENTACLES" in Abyssal, in like, every third encounter.
I blame fate for such a tentacle rich enviroment.
But I question, could it be that the forces of the Abyss hate these "Great Old Ones" or "Outer gods" and could be marshalled against them?
Demons are foes, and I am a Kellid, and I have pledged to reclaim my Sarkorian homeland from the forces of the worldwound, but compared to these Eldritch beings, a Demon is... relatable.
Why did that Demoness let me live? And even aided me, even freeing my family, slaughtering their Deskarite captors in the process? Her request that I travel to Irrisen and put myself at the disposal of the royal accusers? I have aided Winter in ferretting out truely disgusting cults, far worse that stuff the Lady in Shadow's servants would be up to, before Winter went off to investigate the Asylum while I and my Phantom conduct some "regulation" of the local Skum and Kuru-Thug population...
Did she wish to show me that their kind is not the greatest threat?
I am getting her point, which I would never have believed without witnessing what I now have seen. Are my Phantoms ramblings of me being a "Budget Balor" actually an offer rather then a joke?

Mightypion |
We, well, the part of our comrades that have been in this from the start, met with our quarry. The count lowls. Or rather, his dreamland echo.
He was talkative, in a way no Kellid would be when amongst likely foes, but we did obtain a mission of sorts. To catch Lowls, we had to match his dreamland deeds.
7 quests there are, upon conducting auguries, we began on the first, aimed at obtaining a feline tail.
Upon returning to reality, we were beset by some abberational ravagers, whom we effectively dispatched. There wails availed them little, but our crew greatly appreciated our ability to keep all of them save.
It is when we hunted for the tail, that I nearly died...
We moved back to the dreamlands, finding ourself in a verdant forest. There was a refugee, seeking for help! I boldy strode forward, Vorpal Scimitar in had, as a volley of spines from a Tikbalang nearly killed me.
After much struggling, we managed to outlast its damage output thanks to Almejas frenetic healing, and then it attempted to overrun our formation.
Its last mistake, we were able to stop it, and then it fell between the coordinated blows of Viktoria, Ardren and Silas.
We nursed our wounds, and made contact with some rat beings that informed us where our quarry could possibly truely lie.
But first, we were to know that light does not mean good.
Not that my Shadowy Phantom cared much about light in the first place, as these "Lurkers in Light" were about to find out.