Ghorans, clear something up for me please

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've got a player in one of my games who swears up and down that Ghorans originated from the fleshforges, I disagree with her but have thus far found proof of where they came from, nor can they.

Am I wrong?
Are they?

Starfinder Superscriber

You're in luck, they're in Impossible Lands on page 34. They were created by a druid named Ghorus for Nex.

Yeah, Ghorus has always been their origin - Ghorans evolved from ambulatory food plants he created for Nex in the wake of Geb blighting most of that nation’s land.

A good resource for these types of questions is the Pathfinder Wiki.

Checking the entry for a fleshforge shows that the OP's player was close, incidentally.

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