Question about pathfinder novels

Paizo General Discussion

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Hello !

Can anyone tell me if there is a released Pathfinder novel that features Amiri, or a female warrior/barbarian/ulf, as protagonist ?

Thanks for any help ! :)

Silver Crusade

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Mother Bears (web fiction), and the novel after Skinwalkers feature a Barbarianish Ulfen protagonist (there’s also Starspawn the sequel to Skinwalkers but I figure it wasn’t quite what you were looking despite having the same characters.

There’s also Winter Witch

The main protagonist of Forge of Ashes and it’s web fiction The Price Paid is a Dwarven Barbarian.

All three feature female protagonists ^w^

We have Web Fiction featuring Amiri but no novels.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for this detailed answer ! In the meantime, I made some Google searches and found about Skinwalkers, but all the rest is new to me :) Thanks a lot !

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Np, glad to help ^w^

Yep, the late Pathfinder Tales novel lines tended towards all original characters for the most part.

It was in Dynamite Publishing's licensed Pathfinder Comics line that did the most with the PF iconics. I think that Amiri made some appearances there, such as Pathfinder Origins, etc.

There were also the Big Finish Pathfinder Audio Drama Adaptations of the various AP adventures that also featured the PF iconics but only a select few though.

Come to think of it, only Amiri and Seelah got featured in the Owlcat CRpg videogame adaptations as the PF iconics representation.

PS. If you don't mind delvin' into the world of fanfics, this unofficial crossover between the Nasuverse Fate franchise and the Lost Omens Golarion setting might serve to pique your interest since quite a few PF iconics and prominent npcs make an appearance. Some spoilers may apply. ;)

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